Tax credit to u c

mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
Please advise 
single person moving over to uc from TC been told my award will be zero ? 
Surely this can’t be right 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,392 Championing
    Who told you your UC entitlement will be zero? Have you claimed UC yet? If so have you had your first statement?
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    I asked a group on Facebook for help and they said as a single person No children and No rent and I earn £183 a week my award will be zero which means I will lose £90 per week which pays my mortgage 
    worried sick tbh
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,392 Championing
    mybaby0_4 said:
    I asked a group on Facebook for help and they said as a single person No children and No rent and I earn £183 a week my award will be zero which means I will lose £90 per week which pays my mortgage 
    worried sick tbh
    Oh dear, the dreaded Facebook benefits groups... the only advice I have about that is to go to group and click "leave group" They are awful!

    In a previous thread you commented on you said you have a son that you claim carers allowance for but now you say you have no children and your earnings are over the maximum amount allowed to be able to claim carers allowance,  so I'm a little confused there. See comment here.

    As I advised on that thread when you claim UC if the figures of your Tax credits against your UC entitlement show that you're worse off then your UC will include Transitional Protection. 

    Do you have a health condition that limits your capability to work? 
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Yes I am my son carer but he’s grown up and I meant under 18 years old sorry ! 
    As for the protection I was told I will not have a work allowance and as I earn £183 a week i earn to much ? 
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Also I just need to know if it’s worth me claiming uc ? 
    I’m struggling really bad with a spinal injury and couldn’t work anymore hours and the thought of going to job centre every week scares the hell out of me 
    any advice appreciated x
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Re carers allowance I have to pay someone to watch my son while I’m at work and cares allowance team let me claim this as an expense which brings me under the £150
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,392 Championing
    That person that advised you hasn't taken into consideration any possible Transitional protection so it's wrong of the to advise what they advised. 

    As I keep advising if your UC figures are less than tax credits they you'll be entitled to TP. I can't tell you how much that will be because I don't know all of your Tax credits figures. Once you claim UC they will contact HMRC to get the final figures. 

    It's definitely worth claiming UC because if you don't claim by the date in the letter then you will lose any potentially TP. 

    Are you claiming a disability benefit yourself, such as PIP/ADP or DLA?
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    I get pip 
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    This is my tax credit award for last year 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,392 Championing
    When you claim UC you will need to make sure you report your health condition and provide a fit note within 7 days. You must continue to send them without any gaps until a decision is made on your WCA.

    If you're found to have either LCW or LCWRA you will have the work allowance, which means £673/month of earnings received will be ignored before deductions apply. 

    If found to have LCWRA then you will not be able to claim carers element at the same time because the same person can't receive both elements together. In this case you'll be entitlement to LCWRA which is the higher element. 

    I'm afraid I can't advise you with any TP because it's much more complicated that just knowing those figure above. You will need to wait for UC to calculate that. 

    Is it worth claiming UC, yes absolutely. 
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Thank you so much x 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,392 Championing
    You're welcome. 
  • mybaby0_4
    mybaby0_4 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Well I did it ! 
    Made the claim for uc let’s see what happens , will keep you updated