Respond to the Government's Consultation on Benefit Reforms



  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing

    I put in the sunak thread how I responded if anyone is curious, all the best everyone and lets hope this consultation goes nowhere.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 797 Championing
    edited July 2024

    if it hasn’t already been posted (and with 16 days to go) here are all the links again to the pip consultation ending 22nd July

    print version of the full consultation (if you want to look at the questions and draft answers to post on the online version - or print, fill out and mail it instead):

    Easy read version of the consultation (similar to the full version but I think it excludes some questions) is here:

    online questionnaire is here:

    Edit: for those who haven’t filled in the questionnaire yet or finds these type difficult would it be helpful for those in the process of filling out to copy/paste their answers on a word or pages doc and share on this forum for others still writing to get further ideas and those who find it difficult to copy and paste the bits they agree with

    No one said the disabled can’t help each other out and it’s one of the few times where there’s no rule against plagiarism!

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering

    I am in complete agreement. The bit I find funny, is I deal with the form-filling process daily. Yet bearing in mind this is a "fact-finding mission" it all comes down to the WHITE PAPER already written by us. We submit every year a White paper that is "revamped" and written back to us in the format of "We would like your opinions on the subject of disability and how it affects you, and the reasons you are being held back when applying for work, so we can help with the financial burden placed on the extra costs of being disabled."
    If you have read the new Social Care Act that came out in September 2023, it took till February 2024 to come out with their version. It rewrites the whole reason for Social Car.? The newest statement when reassessing you, They stated they will be looking at all assessments back to 2015 to make sure that you were getting the correct care for the disability you had.

    All they have done is relook at your assessment and reassessd you as an excuse to remove more benefits. They admitted in court that assessments were incorrect and that Disabled and long term sick could be due a rebate of funds where assessments were wrong. How many went to a Tribunal to have the decision overturned by a court and the the DWP decided when they are going to pay it from?

    Again there is no accountability, for these assessments and there should have been a separate body set up by the Medical Board to review claims. Will it take time?. Yes, it will, but like WASPI Pensions its no good saying we made an error, as though you don't know who it affects, because the HMRC has everyone on file.

    I am sure that I could write a program that would print out every assessment completed back to 2015, filters: Those that asked for an MR, those that went to a Tribunal, the result of the Tribunal, and the effective start dates, Those settled out of court and the reason, How many assessments took place and who were the assessors who wrote the assesment reports, who were the decision-makers and what area they worked in.

    My point is that If I struggle to fill out "this form" which is 6 pages, how do you expect someone with a mental problem to fill it out? Most just give up as it's only a survey. Lets hope that Labour read the Paper the government have produced and rip it up and continue with the White paper that has been presented to Parliament since 2009 and before.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    I'm in despair by it all yes I'm so dyslexic my written reading skills awful leaves me out of many things trying to write my say sure thousands like me everyday I feel overwhelming despair trying to look for clues of what will happen next burnout tired life long labour voter and I feel dread I really hope its my anxiety making me feel so low and nit a sign of things to come

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    So are they saying we all have to try work I'm sure has to ne limitations but will that be for physically disabled bed bound learning. Disabilities I know thier targeting mental health Its appalling how they approached all of this no compassion for Any of us the agenda has been planned slowly faze it all out question can they do that stop all benefits ?? We will have alot of charities fighting for us I really don't like kier starmer or that Rachel lady she's stern

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    This is why pushing us onto uc quicker

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering

    This is an interesting subject, since everything revolves around some sort of assessment to get some sort of benefit.

    We do need an assessment system that allows assessments for all people, disabled, non-disabled, long-term sick, or people with issues that to most are unseen, by this I mean mental issues. Yes, there are also other categories like people who have not worked for some time, those, who have been made redundant, and there is no work available, or those who have slipped under the radar with the dole system of payments covered by a Coach or Champion given your case by the HMRC and DWP.

    When you talk about blame, are you starting with the claimant? Or, is it the system and the way it is run and administered.

    There are parts of the above statements I don't like having been a shop steward for over 45 years in a senior capacity. Protection of the workers over the last 15 years has been eroded, and workers' rights that have taken years to negotiate, have been thrown to one side.

    You cannot fix the system with out firstly showing what has gone wrong, when, what was suggested to rectify the problem, and what at that time were the projected gains.

    The reason my posts are long is I have Mental Issues, which over the last 17 years have been made worse by the assessment system and not adhering to the law or Charters set upon us by the government. I have now learnt to use my skills and my disability to become a champion, for our side.

    I also don't like saying our side, or your side, because we are all in this together. If issues can be resolved by discussion, being able to voice your opinion and not worry about recrimination from either side. I am not saying some of my suggestions are radical, but, there are some, that know what I say is true, and are not willing to give backing to them in case things go wrong.

    I have also not been afraid to put my name to any document I have written, as this is the starting point of discussions and problem solving.

    Is this negotiation? "I want more money" "Why" "Because?" "OH, OK here's a £50 a Week rise?" I Wish. It all comes down to presentation, homework, and necessity.

    TATA wants to close Steel Making in Port Talbot and has been losing £1 MILLION A DAY. So they say? But where are the figures? Is this down to Port Talbot only or the steel process in Britain? There is no supporting evidence that I see to close the works as opposed to who foots the bill for the 2,500 jobs lost and the ancillary/contracts that rely on Port Talbot, probably adding another 6000. How dole does that equate to a day? How are you going to get the disabled off the DOLE when able-bodied people are being made redundant?

    Not trying to be funny but the changes to the work platform to allow a disabled person access to work are more than some employees can support. So no amount of sanctions is going to change that, so this is where the Discrimination Act comes in, or the Social Care Act, or Candour for Contractors, or just plain COSTING.

    BUDGET, and what can be afforded by a company is earmarked by giving discretionary payments to the EMPLOYER. They should be after the claimant is hired not before, otherwise it's cheap labour for a month or two, then find someone else. We all know companies that do this and use this to drive wages down with employees they already have. HOW? Heard the statements: If you don't like it there's the door, or, there's plenty of others out there that will take this job.

    To be quite honest they are doing you a favor, as they will never look after their employees. I know some employers that won't pay anything into a sick scheme.

    MY POINT: There are Laws and Charters that protect both Employees and Employers, and their are Tribunals that will assist you in getting the correct assessment for people who are disabled or long-termm sick, I have yet to see a Decision Maker or assessor admit error and rectify it without a fight. I have nothing but time, they get paid to do this job of assessment and have to keep their certification up to date.

    It is now going to be harder for them as all you have to do is be you, the Hippocratic Oath does all the rest. As them if they are covered by the Oath?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Mu mental health has been worsened by all this and awaiting pip renewal in post how do you deal with the fear I'm shaking feel cornered like a trapped animal trying to push through ten million thoughts I know I become a needy vulnerable individual just want feeling to go away do you believe it will be made into a fairer system its the unknown its the waiting

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hey @Catherine21, how are you doing just now? We'll know more about the plans soon, the way everything is being talked about sounds better than what was being said before the election, but we'll get more concrete information soon hopefully.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Oh thanks Jimm I got pip form in post as well so doesn't help and uc in September so alot overwhelmed but doctor wrote a good letter stating diagnosis

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Was shocked but price of doctors letter 55 pounds !!

  • Penybont
    Penybont Posts: 54 Connected

    issue i had was the part about disablity support by local authories. There is no support provided locally in bridgend and if there is they don't tell us about it

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering

    @ Catherine21 and Penybont. Firstly I would like to say that Scope and other Charities are working with the government to resolve issues that "we have now inherited" That said: recent quotes by the DWP state that they are looking at the amount of payments made to disabled or long term sick, as this is a major cause of concern to the budget.

    This goes against everything that the benefits system is designed to do, and that is to give help to people who are of working age and are unable to work for either, medical reasons, are long-term sick, require treatment, or are awaiting treatment and have been on the list for some time, or have been bumped back due to Private Health Care Plans, (discuss this later) or people with disabilities either from Birth or because of an Accident or medical condition like Heart Attack or Stroke, that has been diagnosed but when arriving at A & E are not being fast-tracked through the system and assessed, because as we know every second counts, and have instances of taking people to A & E and being assessed within 2 hours and then left for over 13 hours in the waiting room before being given a separate room to be reassessed which took another 12 hours to be told go home and we will ring you when we have a bed available on the ward?

    As for the cost of a Doctor's letter, the first one, like asking for a copy of your medical history to attach or send to DWP/PIP is free. 2. Need to be aware of the reason for the request, since in the form-filling process you had probably signed a disclaimer giving the DWP access to your medical files and to your bank account. So since this information is already on file why do they need another copy? If you have since the last download of your medical files an accident or medical reportable incident that required treatment, hospital surgery, or even an update of your prescription dosages, then ask the Doctor to send the updated section to keep your files up to date, and then ask why when mentioned in the form filling process you did not contact my Doctor or people that are treating me as they can with my permission supply you with the treatment I am receiving ON HEADED PAPER.


    Times will be changing, and access to benefits will come from the "new Green Paper" and the use of the new Social Care Act, in the not so distant future.

    These are my opinions having dealt with, and been already defending our rights to get the NHS back to work under the Charters and Laws that are already in place. And to make contractors hired by the DWP to assess that they do not hold the main contract to assess Claimants and must abide by the rules of Candour and Accountability in EVERY REPORT WRITTEN.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Certainly uncertain times scary no ot was me who asked for doctors letter thinking would help then read form after requesting note I did get medical notes as well when do you think we will hear about our faith in government changes