Hi everyone

nicky54 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi I'm Nicky Just a quick hello. lovely sunny day in Manchester(😲 hope you are all okay and having a great day. 🤗


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    Welcome @nicky54! Glad you've got the sun, we've got some here down south too although it keeps coming over cloudy this afternoon. Have you got any plans for the next couple of days?
  • nicky54
    nicky54 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hi Rosie glad to hear that you have a bit of sunshine aswell. I'm just going for a short walk and pick up a few bits and pieces from the shops. Hopefully the fresh air will help, heads been a bit foggy lately.🥴 Hope you manage to make the most of the sunshine and enjoy your day.🤞🤞😎
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Hello Nicky :blush: I hope you're good today, I can relate with the foggy head...do you have anything that helps you??
  • nicky54
    nicky54 Community member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hya I've tried all sorts, pretty much every vitamin concoction that you can think of. Then just as I think I am making progress my anxiety gets worse and I am stuck with it again. In general though I just try to get plenty of fruit juice and get out in the sunshine take my vitamins and try and de-stress mindfulness etc. How about you have you managed to get on top of it.🤞🤞🤗
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    edited May 5
    @nicky54 thanks :blush: yeah I think mine is caused by worry/anxiety as well, at least it's worse when I am anxious or worrying so I think maybe there could be a link. Being outside helps, we have a dog and I go walking every day, my smart watch tells me how much time I spend outside and assuming it's accurate I spend around 80-100mins a day, it says to try to get at least 30 mins so I should have more than enough I think

    One thing which I don't know if will be relevant to you or not but I used to drink too much alcohol but for the least 4 months am now drinking within the 14 units a week maximum recommended, I won't lie, I do feel a lot better in general for not drinking but in all honesty I feel more fuzzy headed when I DON'T drink :D:D 
  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 212 Empowering
    Hello @nicky54
    Loving those sunshine rays down here as well. 
    I'm yet to go out on my daily plod with the dog, but he's a bit overweight so he prefers it to be a bit cooler.
    There you go, I've body shamed my own dog 
    Have a lovely evening!