Bundle pack dwp

Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
Hello all, i received my bundle response from UC but there is no actual response? It is just copied documents of my claim / their medical assessment/ and my gp records? I’m a little confused? 
It is at tribunal stage as uc have now found me to not have limited work capability. I don’t know what I should be looking for or what to do next. I’m in the current status of waiting for a hearing date. Which I know can take some time. 
I’ve uploaded evidence of a doctors letter about how bad my anxiety is. 
What should I do next? What other evidence should I get ? 
Do I write anything else to the tribunal? I thought I’d be replying to what they have come back with? 

Many thanks for any advice. Sending all best wishes and thoughts x 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Dan88 it's normal to just receive your bundle without a response. The DWP will usually respond to the tribunal themselves, so not a worry there.
       With regard to what needs to be done, I'd say just make sure you've uploaded any documentation that may help your case. So things like supporting letters, diaries that show how you're affected by your illness each day, etc.  Waiting really is the worst bit, so please try not to worry too much, the tribunal is so much nicer than the assessment. :) 
  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    @Albus_Scope thank you so much. I was so confused.
    I was expecting them to write something to me. 
    I will upload some of my diary entries as I also use that with my anxiety management worker. Would a letter from my flatmate be of any benefit? Just explaining how she sees/ helps me? 
    Many thanks 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey @Dan88 sorry for the delay in replying. If your flatmate could write about how your illness effects you daily and how they help you, it could help yes.  Though if you have a copy of the assessment, you can focus on where you think they were wrong. 
  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    Ok thank you x
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 2,677 Championing

    Dan, you should expect to receive a bundle from HMCTS including DWP's response to your appeal

  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    Hi, so is this something separate? When do they usually send this?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    WhatThe said:

    Dan, you should expect to receive a bundle from HMCTS including DWP's response to your appeal

    They already received the bundle and there's no other bundle. 

    I'm not sure I agree with Albus here because usually when they respond they send everything to HMCTS and then they send you the bundle. 

    I wouldn't worry too much because you shouldn't be concentrating on their evidence anyway, you should be concentrating on the weakness in your evidence. 
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 2,677 Championing

    Hi Dan, speak to a clerk at the tribunal services with any queries about the bundle because they send it and it includes DWP's response to your appeal.  

  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    Hey, thank you so much? How do I get in contact with them? Thank you 
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 2,677 Championing

    Find the nearest HMCTS in your area to see if they have received your appeal - it will have a case number once logged onto their system. The clerks are friendly and helpful. 

  • Dan88
    Dan88 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    Thank you so much for your help and advice