Hi, my name is humaali786! will i lose my claim on pip if I start part time work?

humaali786 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited May 17 in PIP, DLA, and AA

hi i have a question i have osteoarthritis i claim pip but with the expenses i want to work thinking of doing uber driver app working in my own time part time but will i lose my claim on pip?


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,814 Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @humaali786 and welcome to the community. :)

    PIP isn't a work related benefit, so you can claim and still work without it affecting your claim.

  • Bydand
    Bydand Community member Posts: 169 Empowering

    You can do any kind of work and be employed in any sector and still be awarded PIP.

    However if there appears to be a discrepancy in what you have reported as being the symptoms you suffer from as per the descriptors and the type of job you do then it would likely be flagged up.

    For example…if you say you are unsteady on your feet or can’t walk over a certain distance but your job requires you to be able to do both then obviously red flags would be raised by DWP.

    Can’t see doing the uber thing as being problematical unless sitting for long periods or holding the steering wheel, changing gears is likely to be a problem and only you will know that.

  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Community member Posts: 107 Contributor

    Hi I have a query so I receive pip for my mental health issues as suffer with anxiety and depression had a review recently which I passed but was stated the MA thinks I have high anxiety level and that my symptoms will last next 6 years so awarded until 2030.

    Now I have a opportunity to start work in the retail industry and just wanted to know will my pip get affected or stopped? Or can people with anxiety etc work in the retail industry.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,814 Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @Welshlad90 that's good news about your review, that must be a huge relief?
    PIP isn't a means tested benefit so you can work whilst claiming it. You just need to make sure the work you're doing doesn't go against why you got PIP.

  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Community member Posts: 107 Contributor

    Hi thanks for the reply so I got it for anxiety and depression, one of the things points were awarded for is that I need prompting from my wife when around people I don't know with regards to speaking to them. But if I will be working in the same place and same shifts as my wife surely I can state that her being there is my prompting as I feel safe.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I don't think it would be possible for anyone here to tell you if that's a contradiction because we don't know exactly how your conditions affect you. The only person who knows that is yourself.

  • Bydand
    Bydand Community member Posts: 169 Empowering


    That’s great that you have the opportunity to start work, hopefully everything will work out for you.

    With regards your anxiety, as others have said, you are the only person that will ultimately know how this can effect you and the kind of coping strategies that you employ in order to manage it.

    I think it will very much depend on what role within retail you are going to be expected to do. Is it backroom work or is it more customer facing?

    You mention having difficulties speaking to people and can often require prompting. My only concern when you mention working with your wife and that she helps you is that she may not always be available to look out for you or in a position to step in when you need it…..I would also say that it might unduly but innocently also put a bit of pressure on your wife who will have her own job to do as well as keeping an eye on you. I can imagine that even with a great relationship that this might become tiring for her.

    With regards PIP, you have to be realistic and accept that employment such as you describe may well mean that DWP look at your employment against the descriptors and what you state. You mention being awarded points based on the very fact that you require prompting from your wife, but in a work situation it is unlikely she will always be available to help you…..so in those situations how will/ do you cope?

    I do hope though that everything works out for you. For those that can, work can be a great thing and can very much have a positive influence on how you feel.

  • Sinica
    Sinica Community member Posts: 51 Listener

    Hi with osteroarthritis my husband was asked 2 times if he was working. And he returned 3 times to the question of how he got into the taxi when he went to the hospital? Even though he knew he couldn't walk because of the pain. And with a lot of evidence sent.