Hello everyone

66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing

Sorry for making a thread about myself but I can't really get on any of the discussions and not sure making this thread will even work

Just to say I've been trying to get on the forum all day and nothing's working, it seems to work like REALLY slowly sometimes almost like my internet is dial up or something but just for Scope…everything else is fine!! I even tried a different internet connection and a different computer as well so it's not that!!!

I just want to say I hope no one thinks I'm ignoring anyone or have abandoned anyone and I hope everyone's good and I hopefully will be back soon 😆 ❤️


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,484 Championing

    same here only just got on since about 8

  • JJinPA
    JJinPA Online Community Member Posts: 34 Contributor

    I had only a loading page all day until about 10PM (ET). I assumed the site was down for maintenance… or I'd completely crashed the system with my verbosity.

    I'm glad to see it back up. I've not noticed any malfunctions, but then I only post and like. It's hard to mess that up.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing

    Ohh so I wasn't the only one!! It's nice to see it back up and running this morning 🙂

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,484 Championing

    it is still a few things wrong and ada can't access it still

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,669 Championing


    Hiya no it definitely wasn’t just you that couldn’t get on it was a nightmare I gave up loads off times trying to access it yesterday.
    As Sandy said there’s still a couple off things wrong.
    Glad to be back talking to all of yous. 😊