ESA IR AND SDP migration

sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

Hi hope all are ok.

Just hearing of the proposed early migration plans for those on ESA IR to UC and bit confused.

I started receiving SDP as I’m on pip and esa IR and have read that those in my position will be worse off.

Would be great if anybody knows what kind of reductions I should be expecting once migrated and will the process be automatic or more forms to fill in? Why do they always give you things to feel anxious about? smh


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    What ever it was you read, you have misunderstood it. When you do eventually migrate across through managed migration you will not be worse off. This is because your UC will include Transitional Protection.

    You are only worse off if you claim UC through a change of circumstances known as natural migration.

    You should also be aware though that Transitional Protection erodes over time so if other elements increase or you become entitled to other elements, the TP will decrease until such a time it erodes completely.

    It will not be an automatic process. You will be sent a letter asking you to apply for UC within 3 months and it will give a date in which you need to apply by.

  • sd100
    sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

    ah ok thank you poppy, much appreciated. Does the fact on pip and esa matter on this UC form as I’ve never filled one for UC before?? All still very confusing I’m not the best with the form stuff.

  • sd100
    sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

    sorry maybe worded that wrong I don’t mean matter, I meant will it just be a case of letting UC know I’m currently claiming these benefits and it will be a simple process or will I have to do all kinds of letter collecting from my doctors etc?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    At the moment we advise putting a message onto your journal to tell them which group you're currently in for ESA. I don't know if that will be the same for managed migration or whether they will automatically have that information. Though it can't hurt to put a message on your journal once you have access to it.

  • sd100
    sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

    so they don’t even ask about it on the UC application? Interesting.

    Can I ask is it quite an easy process then poppy as I read you helped your daughter with it?

  • sd100
    sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

    sorry for so many question just bit confused,

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    No, it's not a question they ask on the UC form. I claimed on behalf of my daughter, she didn't have any part of it. Even after 3 years she's never ever seen her journal, or asked to see it. I asked if she wanted to see it and she said no. 😂

    Yes, I found it very easy and had never filled out the form before either. Citizens Advice have a help to claim number that you can ring if you need help. Or if you get stuck or confused on a question just shout and I'm sure someone here will be able to advise.

  • sd100
    sd100 Community member Posts: 132 Empowering

    ahh ok yeah the whole journal thing will be new experience for me.

    Was thinking it might be a case of having to reapply for existing benefits I’m on which don’t even make sense come to think of it, just panic for no reason. I hope everybody is managing alright with these latest developments, appreciate your helpfulness poppy.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    No problem. You won't be applying for your existing benefits because you're already claiming them. If you're in the Support Group then your UC will include the LCWRA element from the start of your claim and you will not need another WCA.