Learning to drive with Dyspraxia and spacial awareness issues

FallOutBoyfan99 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected


Could anyone give me some advice please on how to cope with learning to drive in Automatic car with Dyspraxia?

The instructors I've had in the past have been too patronising/talked down to me.



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    Sorry, I’ve not got experience of those issues, but just wanted to try to urge you not to be too disheartened by the perceived patronising attitude. Lots of (not all) driving instructors are like that, even to people with no issues. I think they feel like they have some kind of divine responsibility on their shoulders, sometimes forgetting they’re teaching you to drive a mundane vehicle, not a stealth bomber

    My advice would be to try some different instructors! 👍