Degenerative Disc Arthritis Facet Joints

onedayatatime Community member Posts: 208 Empowering

I just wanted to ask from others who have this condition if they also have either arthritis of their facet joints, nerve impingement or compression, or radiculopathy?

I understand DDD refers to the condition of the actual discs, but do the other conditions result from different stages of decline? Is it at a certain stage of DDD that arthropathy of the facet joints sets in?

Is nerve impingement and compression another later stage of DDD or is that down to how the discs happen to bulge?

Is disc fusion to stop movement of the spine vertebra or to stabilise the facet joints? Can fusion be down on arthritic facet joints?

Sorry, I'm miserable and in significant pain today. I'm awaiting surgery to remove part of a disc pinching one of the nerve roots but have been told this will only help relieve pain from my leg. My back is also a source of significant pain and I'm feeling desperate for options.