Parent recently passed. Seeking advise please

kiki7976 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener

Hi everyone.

My mother recently passed away on Sat. She had cancer and unfortunately i knew that she wasn't going to make it through. It was her time..

I am an only child and trying my best to inform DWP etc of the news(she had a state pension and housing benifit).

My mum left no will sadly. I have not been assigned executor etc.

I am on Contributions Based ESA (i have MS) and on no means tested benifits at all.

I was thinking though - am I allowed to do things for her? Do I need to inform ESA about this this for myself? My mum didn't have much money (truthfully me too) but I didn't want to upset anything I have, if u know what I mean? I never wanted any executor titles. I know mum didn't leave much (apart from being an amazing mum!).

Do I need to inform anyone for myself?

Many thanks
