Wes Streeting is now picking on us !

morning all
Just heard Wes Streeting is saying disabled people need to get back to work
When is this torture going to end
It feels like never. I tactically voted to get Labour in (and have done all my adult life). If this torture doesn't stop I will vote Reform or Tory in the next GE (even though I despise them both) but if is no better with labour then at that point I have got nothing to lose.
Take note if any labour MP's are reading these fourm. I am trusting you and don't break my trust.
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Hey @apples, I made a post on another discussion about this, I'll post it here for you too.
A lot of the media does indeed play on your fears to get you to engage. As fear is one of the easiest emotions to manipulate.
Having what what Streeting actually said, he is basically saying that people who are sick are less able to work, and there are more people who are sick now because the NHS is in such a bad place. So the NHS should be focusing on trying to make people healthy again, focusing on getting patients better and to a place where their health is good enough that they can work again.
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It looks as though some people reject point blank the idea there are people signed off sick simply because the NHS is in such an awful state and they're not being treated. If you are getting all the care and treatment you could possibly need, that is absolutely great, but some people aren't.
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@carbow32 i don’t think reform will be much better with the disabled working etc
@Jimm_Scope sorry didn’t see your post probably due to rage, the way I heard Streeting was him saying he wants the NHS to stop dishing out sick notes
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It sounds to me like he wants the NHS to think about doing their job
The NHS hand them a sick note to save themselves money, but this passes the responsibility onto the DWP, who probably spend 100 times the saved amount on benefits and lost taxes, that simply fixing the person in the first place would have cost
It's true that there are lots of disabled people who do have a chance of getting better
As someone who can't work but would like to I support this idea and I think the only people who don't support that idea are people who just don't want to work, of which I am confident that that group doesn't include any of us
This obviously excludes people who have no chance of getting better even with treatment, I agree that this group should be immune from any pressure or criticism because they have enough worries and the least we can do is remove their financial stresses
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@apples …'saying he wants the NHS to stop dishing out sick notes' And treat people instead,
How novel! I think @66Mustang pretty much pinned it. Whether it's mind or body or both, there are some things that can be treated and you can get better, either fully well or much better than you were, which may or may not make you able to work but will definitely improve your quality of life. And there are things that are fixed. With the best care and treatment in the world, you will not get better.
What's in a word? I think there's a tendency to see 'sick' as a temporary condition and 'disabled' as permanent condition but that's not necessarily true. Someone in a wheelchair because she's broken her hip would be seen as disabled but with surgery and physio she could be fine.
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Oh they would be worse for sure (Reform). Labour have though had my vote (tactically) since the early 90's and I am trusting them now to take this fear and added anxiety out of my life on top of already managing a severe psychiatric condition. I have tried time and time again to work and the result is a relapse every time. Then I never really completely recover from the previous relapse. I am up to my eyes on medication and there is nothing left the NHS can do you aid me any further.
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These are Streeting's actual words! I always recommend reading the words actually said and not what a newspaper is telling you was said.
“One of the things I’ve said to my department and to the NHS is that we need to rethink our role in Government and in our country at large – this is no longer simply a public services department, this is an economic growth department.
The health of the nation and the health of the economy are inextricably linked.That means we’re going to be a Government that firstly recognises that fact, and recognises that as we get people not just back to health, but back to work, that’s a big contribution to growth as there are three million people who are off work off sick.
As we focus with a bold agenda on public health and prevention… we will not only be enabling people to live well, and live well for longer, but to contribute more and to drive the economic growth of the country.”
I interpret this as, the NHS is about stopping people getting too ill they can't work anymore. Also, those who are too ill to work because they're stuck on waiting lists or not receiving proper care, to get them that proper care so they are no longer so ill they cannot work. Nothing here about forcing people who are too ill to work, just about trying to get people that are so ill they cannot work the help and care they need to be healthier. So they can live well, longer, and as a side effect they can also do whatever work they would like.
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The problem is not what he does say but what he doesn't say. They know that any ambiguity and some members of the public will take the ball and run, in the wrong direction. He should be adding that he acknowledges that some of those 3 million are people who can never work, or who can only do a very small amount of work with a lot of support. Otherwise he's leaving the door open to a lot of us being abused. We know that disability hate crime increased massively during the last 14 years, they need to be more careful how they phrase things.
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I've waited 2 years for my neurology appointment only to find out that the damage has already been done. Even if I have the surgery next month the damage to my right arm is irreversible as is the side effect of losing my ability to walk without losing my balance. The surgery I need will stop my condition from getting worse won't fix the problems I have now. I also have to take into account that the surgery comes with significant risk. I'm sure that had I seen the neurologist earlier then I could have been spared from this deterioration. I know the NHS is struggling and I appreciate the service we have but I'll never have proper use of my dominate hand again. I'm also reliant on walking aids and sometimes wheelchair now. Upside is I've now had a crash course in ableism. I guess Streeting has a point.
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I think it's dwp mp also saying the same thing , saying about young people. Up.to 34 And people over 50, if they are sick and disabled. Being over 50 myself, employers want younger people plus being ill makes employment even less especially if the condition not going to get better. No treatment will solve this.i have a autoimmune condition, a chronic condition and having a blood test next week for diabetes and to see that my immune system got worse.scars and nodule on lungs as well., due to.covid.
So who would employ me , I'm.a wreck Labour need to think this through and not tar everyone with the same brush
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When they say people over 50 will be targeted, I wonder what upper age limit they are planning on getting people back into the workforce.