Unexpected Payment **** Is It For?

oldngrumpy Scope Member Posts: 231 Empowering

Dear All

I know I can get the correct answer by calling the DWP. But...
This morning just before 12 midday I received a notification from my bank with a deposit of £318.10 with a reference of (I Don't Know If This Is Sensitive Information)

         GBQ CPS FP ACC 3

But what is this for?
It's ESA payday tomorrow not today!
Has the DWP moved me over to UC without giving me any notice? Or is this a mistake by the DWP?
I daren't spend any of it incase it is a mistake on their part!

Also is this a four weekly payment or just two?

Thanking you all on this forum🙏


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited July 18

    The code means; GB - Great BritainCPS - Central Payment SystemFP - Fast PaymentACC3 - The DWP account it has been paid from.

    So someone from the DWP has done a manual fast payment to you for some reason. What that reason is, none of us could say unfortunately.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,457 Championing

    Is this your PIP backpay?

    No-one is switched to UC automatically. If you haven't started the migration process, you won't be on UC yet.

  • oldngrumpy
    oldngrumpy Scope Member Posts: 231 Empowering

    Thanking you to all folks for replying