Hi, my name is dvdthomas85! How much do you contribute for your carers?

dvdthomas85 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited July 23 in Money and bills

Hi I’m new and was hoping for some help I’ve recently been assessed and needs a cater to come in 4 days a week I’ve got a weekly budget of £234 and been told I will need to have a financial assessment to see how much I have to put too if anything I just wondered if anyone has experience if this and how much they contribute? I’m currently on LCWRA and Universal credit which is about £760 a month I’m also on PIP higher rate for both daily and mobility I get about 434 after my car has been deducted I have no savings and live in a housing association flat the only money I receive and have is what I’ve listed I just wanted to get an idea on how much I may have to put too each month any help would be greatly appreciated I don’t mind paying I just need to know if I should be looking to cancel things to help pay like my mobile bill and tv.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @dvdthomas85, welcome to the community. This isn't something I've experienced myself but I just wanted to pop in quickly to say hello and welcome. I'll pop your post into a category where more members will be able to see it and give you some support. You've done nothing wrong by posting here, it just makes it easier for the right people to find you if I move your post to another category. I hope you can get things cleared up soon 😊