dealing with spinal stenosis pain. Does anyone have any tips?

kburt911 Community member Posts: 2 Listener

I'm not sure if I am in the right place but I hope so. Please let me know after my post if I am in the right place. I have been searching for someone who is suffering like me or has experienced what I am going through with a possibility of hope to be able to be pain free,

Well here goes. About 2 and a half years ago I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis.i had a laminectomy on L1, L2 and L3 long with enlarging the opening at the bottom of my spine and grinding down mt tailbone. I recovered and did well for about 5 months. That was the last I was pain free. I had another surgery because every time I put weight on my right leg pain would radiate down my leg from my hip. Back in for another surgery as L4 and L5 needed correction. Unfortunately as soon as I stood for the first time I had the same pain. I tolerated the pain for a while as they said give it time to heal. October 2022 the pain once again was unbearable so it was a third surgery as one of discs were compressed again. Once again it did nothing for my pain. I was then sent to a pain doctor to try and get relief. Oh my god, what a nightmare. First off I met with the PA who put me on pain meds and then ordered to have a steroid injection. Went back in 2 weeks because I got no relief. Again prescribed more pain meds and then got a nerve block. No relief came from it. I felt so uncomfortable at this pain clinic as all they did was push pain meds and kept doing shots in the back behind a curtain in an unsterile environment. I went back to my neurosurgeon and explained my experience. I was admitted back into the hospital where he called in a pain doctor at the hospital as he said I shouldn't be in this amount of pain from my surgery and wanted to know if they possibly knew what it could be. It was determined that I have degenerative arthritis in my lower back. The pain doctor gave me a nerve block and I had relief for about 3 weeks. I was so excited and then the pain came back going down my right leg. At that po int I now became a full time patient of the pain clinic at the hospital. It was an amazing difference from the previous pain group. Everything was done in an actual operating room with a sterile environment, I was taken care of by a doctor and not a PA. I was never over prescribed pain meds. My doctor explained to me his plan of attack to try and get me some relief. First I was given an epidural. Unfortunately it didn't help. Next I had a nerve block which worked for a short time. I then had an ablation where they burned the nerves in my lower back to try and separate the pain to my leg. It didn't work. Just 3 months ago I did a trial for a spinal stimulator. It was supposed to be left in for a week. Three days after the trial stimulator was implanted I stood up without pain and walked with my granddaughter to go wake Gigi. It was only a short distance but it felt so good. This actually happened on Mother's day and it was the best gift I could ask for. The next morning I went to get out of bed and my pain was back. Met with rep from Abbott and my Dr. It was determined that the temporary leads had come loose so they removed them early. The next day my doctor gave me an epidural which gave some relief for a short time. I had to wait 5 weeks in pain before I got a permanent spinal stimulator that was implanted 2 weeks ago. I go tomorrow 7/24 for my second adjustment. Unfortunately I still don't have any relief and I truly cannot handle this chronic pain. I find it hard to believe that I am the only suffering like this. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone but interested to see if anyone has experienced this and what did you do to get relief.

Thank you advance if you have this far.



  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 212 Empowering

    Hello @kburt911 . I'm sorry I don't have any advice but am following your post with hope that others have suggestions as to how to manage your pain. I've been diagnosed with degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine with scoliosis and radiculopathy affecting my left leg and foot. I'm due for decompression surgery in the next few weeks. Epidurals and nerve blocks have given no relief for affected nerve roots caused by stenosis. I'm on gabapentin, codeine and naproxen (could not tolerate tramadol and holding off Butec patches). I fully understand your desire to walk, stand without pain. I really hope that the adjustment they make to the spinal stimulator today gives you some relief. Kindly keep us updated. All the very very best to you.

  • kburt911
    kburt911 Community member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thank you for your post. I will keep you posted on my journey. Currently I am on Lyrica (5 x 35mg a day. Not able to take Gabapentin, it upsets my stomach. Percocet 10/325 every 6 hours, 2 different anti depressants and Xanax twice a day. With all that I can't get relief. I am hoping for relief from the stimulator. This all started with one back surgery that ended up turning into 3 surgeries in one year. The pain progressed to my right thigh which I am told is nerve pain. I still have horrible pain in my lower back. I am 69 years old and didn't retire to be limited to a wheelchair. Sorry if it sounds like I am feeling sorry for myself. Trust me I'm not, just looking for answers. Thank you.