Sister hates me for a weird reason.

marmitelover2000 Community member Posts: 37 Contributor

long story short.
my sister hates me because “I can eat anything I want and not get fat”

I’m not supposed to eat. It makes me really sick and causes pain. If I do eat, it’s things I want like sweets or maybe pizza. I’m completely fed via a jejunal tube

this isn’t ideal. I’d much rather be able to absorb calories and put on enough weight to be healthy. I’ve never thought about it the way she does and it’s disturbing.

What can I do ?
It’s rubbing off on my other sister who is starting to calorie count ( wouldn’t eat an ice cream cone because of the extra 40kcals)


  • marmitelover2000
    marmitelover2000 Community member Posts: 37 Contributor

    *14 jacks

  • marmitelover2000
    marmitelover2000 Community member Posts: 37 Contributor

    **14 calories

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,355 Online Community Specialist

    Have you explained why your weight is so low? I know it's not easy to talk about it, but if she could understand why and what the other effects are (the pain and more).

    She shouldn't be angry at you, though I understand her frustration a little. Some people really do struggle with controlling their weight, and there can be a lot of societal pressure to be thin. Especially on younger women and girls.

    But she shouldn't be taking the frustration and anger of that out on you. I'm not sure how receptive she is to communicating, but looking back on my previous relationship with my two siblings I realise a lot of issues could've been resolved more quickly by just… talking to each other.