Add a letter, change a letter, take a letter away.

Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,916 Online Community Coordinator
edited July 30 in Games den

Thought we could try a new word game! I'll start us off with a word, the next person can add a letter, change a letter, or take a letter away to make a new word. You can only change one thing per turn.

So for example, if I started with the word 'Plot'

You could put Pot (Took away the L)
Then the next person could put Hot (changed the P to a H)
Hat (changed the O to an A)
Mat (changed the H to an M)
Mate (added an E)

… and so on. See how far we can get without having to reset the word!

I've only added what I did to each word to make the rules clearer, you can just post the next word, no explanation needed 😊

Let's go! I'll start us off with the first word:


