Hi, my name is Temitopeakanbi_1982! Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, any advice about treatment?

Temitopeakanbi_1982 Community member Posts: 2 Listener


About what may happen to me ; if should go for lumber spinal stenosis surgery as the only option for me .

In brief. I have been suffering from a severe back pain since two and a half years ago.

I was diagnosed with lumber spinal stenosis (L4 and 5)

I have done two infiltration ( injection of steroid into my vertebrate where i feel the pains ) which did not bring the expected result .

Am really going through a big problem of making up my mind to go for the surgery due to how delicate tempering with spinal is .

The surgery is scheduled for month of October 2024.

The closer I approach the date ; the more i be nerverous

The idea of managing the pain is no more working for me .

The pain started with the left leg two years ago and now it's the right leg .

The recent IMR scan results shows .the L4 or L 5 are now affected .

My GP warns that it might eventually leads to paralysis if I don't make up my mind to go for surgery. .

I would like to know if there someone that his or her situation is similar to that of mine . Thanks everyone.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    edited August 4

    Hello @Temitopeakanbi_1982, welcome to the community. Sorry to hear you've been in such bad pain. I'm afraid I don't have experience of this myself, but I just wanted to say hello and welcome! I'll put your post into our section for talking about impairments so that more members can find it and offer their experiences.

    Hope you'll find the community friendly and helpful 😊

  • Temitopeakanbi_1982
    Temitopeakanbi_1982 Community member Posts: 2 Listener



    Thanks for your swift response.

    Yes! what I have read so far on this site has been very helpful to me . And not to me only but onto other members also .

    I enestly believe that any ideas or experiences I may come across would always be helpful.

    TThanks Once again.