It's International Cat Day! Again.

Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited August 2024 in Coffee lounge

Yes folks, it's international cat day, part two! Just as cats get nine lives, they also get three days a year in celebration. But why?

February 20: This is the first date of the year when cats were celebrated, and it is related to Socks, the “presidential pet” that became popular during Bill Clinton’s tenure in the United States.

August 8: This date was established by the International Fund for Animal Welfare in 2002, due to the higher fertility rates of cats in the Northern Hemisphere and to raise international awareness about companion animals.

October 29: This date was established by American Colleen Paige, an expert in pet lifestyle. She set this date to raise awareness about the difficulties faced by cats, especially when they are strays and suffer from harsh weather and mistreatment.

I know we have many cat lovers in the community, so let's get some photos of your beloved feline overlords(or overladies!)

Here we see the enigma that is known as Mitzy. As you can see, she enjoys boxes, no matter what's in them. The poor girl is deaf, has arthritis and ingrowing claws, as well as being unable to clean herself. So she's alot of work, but worth every second.
Her other hobbies include "Cat water crawls" (drinks from her bowl, down to the dogs bowls, then into the garden to the bird bath and finally the pond) sunbathing on the windowsill and watching her pigeon mates from the safety of the back door. Her favorite time is 5.30 am, when apparently it's the perfect time to start yowling for me to get up, whilst punching me in the face.

This is Frankie. She passed a few years back and was certainly queen of the house. But she also had an understairs cupboard that she'd often sleep in to escape the stinky dogs. She also enjoyed helping me play World of Warcraft and other games, acting as a handwarmer.

And finally, Deez, Mitzys much bigger brother, who is also no longer with us. He was the size of a dog and was the most relaxed cat I've ever met. He loved sitting out in the rain and his best friend was a log. Seriously.

All cats were rescues.

So over to you, let's meet your cats and find out a bit more about them. ❤️


  • W_Webster
    W_Webster Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    Above photo: Dusty (female, Tortoise cat who died in June 2024), and Monty (male, Tabby cat). They were best friends.

    And the above photo: Willow (a.k.a. "Little One", female, black Tabby cat) who joined us a month ago. Monty still doesn't want anything to do with her, but then … it is still early days.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Awww, hey little one! Oh she's a cutie @W_Webster and might I say excellent name choices too! Sorry to hear Monty lost his best friend, it's never easy when that happens.

  • W_Webster
    W_Webster Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    Haha. Everyone seems to fall in love with Little One (Willow). She has the cutest face, and I think she is a "Gen Z" kid, as she loves watching TV and IPad (Kindle actually). She came to us through an acquaintance who had a mother cat + kittens. Our acquaintance couldn't keep them all, so we got Little One.

    Monty is the cuddly bear and he acts as if he is my husband. Loving, providing and protective.

    And Dusty was my Mentor, Guru and best Friend of all time. She died when she was only 8 years old due to Kidney failure.

    It looks like Little One is going to be a Daddy's girl, as she loves my human husband, Michael, the most and has selected him as her "person". Awesome. And Monty is my boy and is mostly attached to me.

    Just a shame Monty suffers from "single child syndrome" at the moment.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing

    My absolutely lovely cat, Shadow, does however have some foibles……she loves biting through wires, so I'm 3 kettles, a media player, an anglepoise table lamp & a USB charger down; other wires have so far just had a few nibbles. She also bites the tops of biros, & is slowly eating my 2nd pair of outdoor clogs!

    I nearly called her Willow, but she literally follows me everywhere, so Shadow has been an apt name; she even comes part of the way on dog walks with me (when walking my son & neighbour's dogs).

    Shadow was abandoned near me when she was about 3 months old together with her sibling & mother (her sibling went to the vets with an awful female name, but came back as a Monty too…named after Monty Don, as my neighbours that took him in are keen gardeners).

    Mitzy looks like a character, but I'm sure she's worth it!

    Shadow also helps me on Scope; she's perfected hitting the 'back' button with a paw so I nearly lose a reply I'm making, or sitting on the keyboard so the whole page jumps when she thinks it's about time I fed her! Here's her trying to look innocent.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Oh Shadow is a very enigmatic lady indeed! What a beautiful helper. 😆

    And I'm glad she's been helping Scope for so long, thanks Shadow. ❤️

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    I do not have a cat. Cat cross stitch.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That's so cute! I have lots of cat themed things around my house, plus 2 actual cats 😊

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Some pictures of Suki! My lovable furry baby. She went to the vet recently for her annual check up!