Hi, my name is maxsmitt!

maxsmitt Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

my daughter has brain damage from birth..which has lead to her only reaching the age 13yrs old mentaly n physically. so as she is now 33yrs old..she has been 13yrs old for 17yrs now... oooo it can be grulling but also heart wrenching how people treat her and react to her.. her name is Sasha.. but i call her dory as she very is very much like dory off finding nemo.. due to brain cells not connecting properly n she forgets alot...sometimes this is funny..but sometimes its not.. but without sending bigheaded... i have a great sense of humor n very light hearted n kind..so its made sashas disability easier...for me anyway... Not all tho... AS IN DEC 2021.. OUR LIVES WERE ABOUT TO BE TOTALLY DESTROYED BY DESIGN OF AN EVIL SAISTIC WOMEN..hell bent on attacking her in the worste way possible yet generating funds off identity accessing her bank.benifits social mdia an eventually destroying our home.selling our furniture stealing jewerly and smashing up our home whilst we on a break in durham..So as much as sasha craved routine.. hated change...loved her life...loved her home...loved her friends... was manging her benifits witj help but doing great as she gad shopping app she loved and frequently got herself bits,,, all came under attack and abused, but that wasnt enough apparently.... the evil sadistic women then went out of her way to verbally abuse sasha everytime she looked iut her window..diverted her packages off shopping apps,, tried to run her over,,, verbally encouraged friends to verbally attack her and the worste for me...this women got some silly young gir! to befriend her then encourage her to try cociane locking her in a property...I cant express the fear that entails for sasha as police was envolved n everything... BUT unknown to myself or sasha that this evil sadistic women had a twin sister in the police force, n together they ussiued an unlawfull lawful interfence tap on our wifi, this aided this evil pair greatly as not jyst sashas social media.banks.benifits. paypal acc.. tik tok. instagram. twitter.. snap chat all taken over n being monitored whilst they generated funds stole our udentities..accessed banks. n got them online banking to our accounts withdrawing huge amounts of funds cost of living payments, aswell as get loans..car finance..and the funds they are making iff cookies n ads lead to stock exvhange..its so scarey.. TO DATE.. THIS is still ongoing and sasha is not coping at all.. im having to keep both of us up as the police havnt investigate these two women even tho uve made iver 20 reports which also shows these women have no limits to what they will do.. or wat tools they use... our emails for help..diverted..reports we try n make..cut out alf way thro..her friends hacked so no one contacts her..friends asked for money which she never do... its bad..esp.as weve lost everything due to us going on holiday in april n these evil people destroyed our home... At present im trying to find us a new home but evil women making it really hard deleating emails and messages.. .. Sasha is sleeping constantly... but logs. on her mobile keep leading us to energy weapon dragonfire and quintu. and shes been trying to tell me for ages a lazer keeps going over the walls in her room n ive told her to stop exagerating but looking at logs on her mobile n cookies.. seeing these names and researching them i have to say…shes right.because thats wat dragonfirw is.a laser weapon... THE DEPTHS OF THE HATE IS LIMITLESS.... and i dont jo these women..ive hever gad any relationship with them..me n sasha nothing to them...im not a criminalll i dont do drugs...i dont drink..im actuall quite boring n like to read n draw... so what other reasons have these two evilhuman beings if thats wat they are...got a problem with..wats it all about... energy weapons.... ?????? how thirsty exactly..or maybe the term is... how sick are they..as yeah my babe got brain damage but she ent evil psycopathic nuttah as these two portray they truly are..n ones a police officer..butter wouldnt melt ****.. sorry.. ijust thought this story should be heard..as evil people exists n now more than ever people with disabilities need protecting more than ever.. hey..they say..only special people look after disabled people...NEVER FORGET... even in diversity..god bless everyone.. i tell myself as much as pissible..god givs his hardest battles to his most favoured angels.. it works for me.. maxi n sasha


  • maxsmitt
    maxsmitt Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    im sorry if i upset anyone but the struggle is real, police dont investigate themselves…fact..n they no the law n alwsys one step ahead due to lawful interfence tap..on mobiles..tv..ipad..n in my defence theres alot i havnt said..thats happened.. THE THINGS THESE EVIL TWINS HAVE DONE TO US....HAD DONE TO US..N..CONSTANTLY DAILY IS STILL DOING TO US IS CRIMINAL, ILEGAL, N MENTALLY ABUSIVE, n with dragonfire data on her ipad,,, physically horrific.. DONT THEY TJINK HER LIFE HARD ENUFF OR SUMMUT.

  • maxsmitt
    maxsmitt Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    i cant believe i managed to reach out…sniff sniff crying at mo... but happy tears..xx

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 947 Championing

    Hello @maxsmitt and welcome to Scope.

    Thank you for sharing your story. It’s evident how much love and strength you have for Sasha, and it is heart breaking to hear about the challenges you have both faced. Sasha’s resilience, along with your humour and kindness, speaks volumes about the bond you share. The cruelty you have encountered is unimaginable, and it is deeply upsetting that you have had to endure this.
    If you feel that the police have not adequately addressed your concerns, you might consider filing a complaint with the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). Given that one of the individuals involved has a twin sister in the police force, this could potentially present a conflict of interest. It is important that the investigation was conducted impartially, and any potential oversights should be reviewed. Here is the link for the IOPC if you would like them to assess the handling of your case. https://www.policeconduct.gov.uk/
    Wishing you and Sasha all the best. x

  • maxsmitt
    maxsmitt Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    got abit teary reading that..thankyou for that link i will try again..i have already wrote to them and done an online report. but nothing i will try again.. my major problem is the lawfu! interfence tap allows them to divert emials, deleate calls n messages, so who no.s if they even getting them, ive got 3soliciters, one emailed the appiontment date n the hackers cancelled it..another one i told them n they confirmed thetd help, day before i was to see him i got a letter stating sorry you cancelled your appiontment. an 3rd.. stated he would helo, it was right up his street, then day later stated its not in his field…its a joke.. every soliciter needs a contact address n number..you no.. but i will try your link.. due to me getting on this site ok snd being sble to post..i took my chance and did a NSCC report.. i think it went tjrought too.. fingers crossed.. now im just worring how they gonna contact me back.... you no.. i no more about the weeds n flowers growing everywhere n flowerlore n remedies than i do..computers.. and its been the biggest battle.. just auditting the devices and looking up some of the sites there going on can leave me in fetal position on sofa its soul destroying daily trying to prove your going through this.. you cant talk to people about it either as people tjink your crazy as the things we say are being done to us isnt possible n i used to be one of them until i saw wat a lawful interfence tap was. n RIPA another tracking n monitoring tap.. iv even requested freedom of info to request info on warrent for lawful interfence dated march 2022. as audited on IEFTdatatracker...but nothing another link reply they wont let me access.. i will try your link tho…my main goal is finding us a home, sasha has got her heart set on scarbough so.. im gonna throw my all into making that happen, we cant stay long where we are, so times against me bigtime. thankyou so much though.. just you seeing the wrongs helps ne so much... police iv rang have sent ambulances to me.. or blaintanly called me crazy.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @maxsmitt.

    I'm so sorry for all of this that you're having to deal with, it sounds awful. The devotion to your daughter is clear. @MW123 has given some great advice there.

    I'm going to be sending you an email this afternoon, can you look out for it?