Awarded wrong points

Ads96 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


I just got my PIP review assessment decision back two weeks ago.

I've read the assessment and I feel with the daily component, some of the points are generous and some are too restrictive.

I'm lucky to still be eligible, but I'm not sure if I should challenge it? Is it an issue for future reviews if I'm found to have been given the wrong points?

I'm also due an autism assessment in October (and most of the restrictive points are around engaging with others), and also have my needs assessment which I could give as evidence (just not for a month or so).

Thanks for reading. Any advice is appreciated


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @Ads96 and welcome to the community. 😊

    This is a story we hear a lot of here and one I've been through myself. You can ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) within one month of getting your award through, I'd strongly suggest doing this in writing though, doing it over the phone can often lead to crossed wires. Though please be aware that the awards could down as well as up.
    PIP isn't about any diagnosis, but how your issues affect you on a daily basis, but you could add that you're awaiting an official ASD diagnosis.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    The most important question here is do you fully understand the PIP descriptors and what they mean? Few people do and because of this reason it's very easy to think you've either been scored too highly or not scored enough.

    If you're happy with the award itself I'd advise you to leave it alone because it doesn't matter where those points are scored, you'll still end up with the same award. If you think you should have scored more points for a higher award and it's possible to do that then yes you can challenge it but otherwise, you're wasting your time and their's.

  • Ads96
    Ads96 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    I believe I do. There were just some contradictions along the lines of:

    "No support from one designated person" leading to "needs prompting to engage" (2 points).

    I always need my mum with me, but maybe because I said this can also be an agency worker?

    Aside from this there was incontinence and dressing, which for me are no longer an issue which I stated in the assessment, but previously were when I filled the form.

    I also know that my assessment had to be fast tracked due to some quite serious circumstantial issues so I do think they just did it quite quickly.

    I am happy with the award to be fair but hope I haven't misrepresented things and tend to overthink!