What does "early wca recommended and early support" mean?

System Posts: 186 Online Community Programme Lead
This discussion was created from comments split from: Does anyone else feel guilt for being on benefits?.


  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering

    hi again , I’ve just received a ‘ fitnote’ by text message off my Dr . Can anyone tell me what it means by an early wca recommended and early support , and I don’t need to be seen for a review after this 3 month fit note ends please . Ty x

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,693 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @Dendoo I hope you don't mind, but I've turned your question into a separate discussion, just so it doesnt get lost in other comments.

    It sounds like your doctor is recommending an early work capability assessment. Usually this would happen after a couple of months, but it looks like your GP is trying to speed things up a bit for you.

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering

    aw sorry me and my scatty brain still in half panic mode . Thank you so much ❤️

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited September 2024

    Hi Dendoo, your GP is making recommendations to the DWP but they may take much longer than 3 months to process your application.

    Make a note in your diary to renew the 'fit note' before it expires if you don't have a decision in that time.

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering

    thank you so much for your advice . The gps ticked at the bottom he doesn’t need to review me at the end of the fit note . This is all new to me . Does that mean still to get a fit note without seeing him? Or he doesn’t need to do another ? What would I do without you lovely people ? Ty x

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,407 Championing

    It means that you can just request another without the need for seeing another GP. You must continue to provide the fit notes without any gaps until a decision is made on the WCA. This can often take several months.

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Online Community Member Posts: 149 Empowering


    You so much Poppy for your reply . That’s good to know . Set my Calendar alarm Ty x