Universal Credit Payment, Childcare Payment, PIP, LCWRA and Self Employment

Mummy_In_Pain Community member Posts: 3 Listener
edited September 14 in Universal Credit (UC)


Sorry for the long post firstly. Just wondering if anyone can please offer any advice on claiming childcare costs whilst receiving PIP, LCWRA payments. The reason I am asking is my little boy is just 4 and has been deferred until next year to be able to start school because he is diagnosed with autism/adhd. Unfortunately he does not sleep more than 1 1 1/2 -2 hours per day and requires constant supervision because he bangs his head severely against anything. He thrives on structure and routine and loves nursery. He has his own key person to keep him safe and prevent him from hurting himself. I am a single parent and suffer from ulcerative colitis, currently I only weigh 6 stone. I also have 3 other children. Up until now UC were paying 85% of nursery as employed but no longer paid as received all SSP. I should have received my UC payment today but have been waiting for decision maker to decide whether to continue authorising nursery costs and this has delayed my statement. Today I received letter in my journal dated 12th August stating that my costs are not approved any further but my statement has not been produced either which includes my son’s higher care element of DLA, my LCWRA, housing allowance, etc. Basically I have no money at all to buy food for my children or pay any bills. My DD’s are debiting my bank account and I don’t have an arranged overdraft and will incur charges. When I spoke with UC I was advised that I would be contacted by 17th September. I don’t know what to do until then as have no family to ask for help.

Do you think if I were self employed a few hours my child care costs would be accepted for my little boy?

Thank you for reading.
