Colonoscopy / Sigmoidscopy - anyone here had this procedure?

W348 Online Community Member Posts: 130 Contributor

This may not be appropriate to post here but it's been bothering me and I don't know where else to turn.

I got a copy of my report just last year after I have some other worrying symptoms. That was the first time I seen the report since the procedure in 2016.

I explained on email to GP that during procedure they told me I had a small polyp that they couldn't remove due to the small size. I only became alarmed when GP said polyps were not mentioned in report and I was emailed this report as proof.

I've just been glancing over my files again this evening and I have just noticed in this report that the diagram to the right, of the colon picture. Under this colon picture it mentions that Site A and Site B were photographed.

However, in the comments of the report they only mention Site B. Why would they photograph Site A and not comment on that?

I can't have another camera procedure on the NHS because the report doesn't mention anything about polyps, despite them saying that to me on the day.


  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,985 Championing

    Hi @W348 I have had several Colonoscopy's and had several polyps removed. I have Ulcerative Colitis. If you are worried about your report are you able to discuss this with your doctor? Take care.

  • W348
    W348 Online Community Member Posts: 130 Contributor

    GP is aware as of last year when I first saw the report that I disagree with what it says. It's technically correct but I would argue that any found polyps no matter how small should be documented in the report.

    I think with anxiety, panic attacks, and only communicating by way of email or passing notes - it's easy to be disregarded.

    I don't really blame my GP, he can only go off the hospital report I suppose. So it's my word against the hospital, and they obviously don't want to foot the bill for a second camera job if they think I am a nut job.

    Regarding your experience with polyps did they cause any issues over time or did you have them removed relatively fast? I have issues with loss of feeling when passing stool and urine. I struggle to really feel anything, and wondered if it was all related to the polyp. So you can imagine my panic when I enquired about this years after the procedure to be told that the report does not mention polyps.

    GP did do a bunch of tests at the time with stool samples and blood tests for prostate, which was reassuring. But I do worry that this more feels like waiting for something to turn sinister and then go after the problem. From my perspective I was already told a polyp was found so I would expect the hospital to want to monitor that years later. The problem is I am struggling to get anyone to agree this was even said.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,985 Championing

    Hi @W348 I was not aware that I had the polyps until I was told they had removed several of them. Because of my condition I have regular colonoscopies like every 18 months. This could also be to do with my mother dying of bowel cancer. I have a very small polyp on one of my kidneys which was picked up following an MRI but they are not concerned about it. It was mentioned in the MRI report.

    If you have any symptoms you are worried about perhaps talk to your doctor. You are obviously concerned and it is playing on your mind. As far as I am aware they do not usually remove small polyps. Are you worried it might have grown bigger?

    Take care.

  • W348
    W348 Online Community Member Posts: 130 Contributor

    Yes, I am worried it might have gone bigger. Which I would be happy to have it removed if that were the case. I think I am more worried since I found out the report differs to what was said on the day. So I think that's the biggest factor of worry for me.

    I do have aunties and uncles who went through cancer but GP reassured me that would be more of concern if immediate family.

    I recently got PIP just last month with backpay, I do think I will end up paying privately just for peace of mind. I want to try and get an answer from NHS hospital first as to why my report above lists a Site A photograph but doesn't say what the photograph is of.

    I presume you have seen some of your own reports. Do you think my report above looks unusual? Do you find it strange that on the right it mentions there are two photographs taken, but one of them they did not comment on.

    Obviously it's easy for me to assume the other photograph must be of the polyp that they told me about immediately after procedure.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,985 Championing

    Hi @W348 I really would prefer not to comment on your report as I am not a medical person.

    I hope you manage to get the answers you are looking for.

    Take care.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    I've had multiple colonoscopies, in my experience they nearly always take photos of certain areas of the colon for me, perhaps for historic purposes I don't know?

    Your report looks similar to mine but it does seem odd that they note site A but there's no notes on it. I can't say more than that though as I am not a medical professional, just as Bluebell mentions. I am just comparing my own reports to yours.

    I would go to the endoscopy department in the Hospital, though given the age of the report I find it unlikely there will be more information 😕

  • krs1958
    krs1958 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected

    I had a colonoscopy a month or 2 back. As with most others I’ve had quite a few over the last 30 odd years. I’m glad to say mine showed some inflammation but nothing of major concern.

  • W348
    W348 Online Community Member Posts: 130 Contributor

    Appreciate the replies here, thanks.

    I think I am just worried about it because the report photo I shared above mentions they photographed Site A, but but they did not write any comments about what they found at Site A.

    So I am naturally jumping to the conclusion that this must be the small polyp they told me about. But it's rather frustrating to try and talk about because they didn't write this in my report. So I kind of feel like I am struggling to be believed about my memory of the procedure and what was said.

  • Sharebear
    Sharebear Online Community Member Posts: 81 Contributor

    Hi I have had a few colonoscopy. My first was done private ad I had private health care vua work at the time. I wad asleep through it but they removed a number of polyps which were benign.

    I had a more recent one on the nhs where was awake. I asked the Dr whether given polyps previously they should check me regularly. He said not. He said unless symptons occur they are usually nothing to worry about.

    I understand you are concerned about point A. I know my Dr took couple of pictures as my bowel had been twisted and he untwisted it. I remember seeing points that had nothing written there too.

    Maybe ring your local colonoscopy team and ask questions, they may be able to put your mind at rest.

    Take care x