Having issues with neighbours. How do we get the Police to take our case seriously?

Cream Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


After suffering 18 months of harassment, abuse and anti-social behaviour from neighbours, which Police would not take seriously, I was advised to take them to Court. I did and was successful, but cost a large amount of money. Judge asked solicitor why Police/Council had not acted on the same evidence provided to him. These people could not handle that a Court Order was awarded against them and moved.

Initially new neighbours were friendly, as they were unaware of incidents that had occurred I advised them of the situation and reason why they used their knowledge of my disability against me. I totally regret being so open as unbelievably these neighbours have undertaken similar incidents to affect my health, after I complained about their large fires filling my house with smoke. Their response ‘ we will be having for the next six weeks’ threats were also made when I said I would speak to the Council.

Once again Police are not taking this serious, I am unwilling to take them to Court at my expense. Have received free legal advice, through home insurance, advising of information relating to incidents undertaken are unlawful and actions come under disability hate crimes. Yet even after providing this information, I’m still not taken seriously. Legal advice given was to complain about Police Officer initially involved, I took this as far as I could but feel Police were ‘covering each others backs’, disagreeing with information provided during telephone calls, would not use any telephone records to verify what I’ve said.

So once again I have been subject to another incident, which legal advice stated was from CPS information on their website, something along the lines of, any reasonable person should be aware of their actions.

Any advice on how to progress with Police to make them better understand situation, rather than just being fobbed off?


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,785 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Cream, I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this, especially as it's not the first time it's happened.

    If you're not already keeping track of any incidents in writing, it might be a good idea to start keeping a log with times and dates in case the Police can use it as evidence. Would setting up some cameras around your property be an option for you? You can only film within the boundaries of your property so it's worth having a read about what's legal if you do decide to set some up.

    With regards to trying to get the police to take it seriously, I'm afraid I don't have much experience in this area, but I hope some of our members will be able to share some advice too.

    Have the council been able to help at all this time round?

    I hope you can get things sorted soon, it must be exhausting to deal with all the time.

  • Cream
    Cream Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thanks for being understanding Rosie.

    Oddly my computer needed wiping and reinstalling from backup, noticed some of notes seem to have been lost, will have to scroll through backups in an attempt to find them!

    Have used Timelapse camera footage and sound recordings, provided to Police & Council, neither taking any notice of the fact this is deliberate acts using my disability against me. No wonder statistics show poor reporting by disabled people!

    CCTV installed which includes sound recording, neighbours are obviously aware of cameras but do not seem to realise sound is also recorded. Even so Police seem unable to take this seriously…. Council Anti-social behaviour team, discovered are a waste of time!

    Victim Support have been active, they are acting between myself and Police, resulting in an interview being arranged, although depends on the personal feelings of the Officer, i.e. can he be bothered to treat this seriously and take further, with evidence provided to CPS.