PIP - have the DWP ever changed their mind about a decision

Kittylees53 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited November 9 in PIP, DLA, and AA

Good evening everyone

I was previously awarded PIP for 4 years. Reassessed in December 2023 awarded Enhanced Daily for several years again, however had exploratory surgery in January & February 2024 that showed up new conditions that were affecting my health further so I put in a “change of circumstances” review and lost my claim entirely - I was in total shock! Should have done a MR and a tribunal but wasn’t aware of these at the time and probably couldn’t have coped health wise anyway.

so I put a claim in a new PIP claim over the summer, had my telephone assessment in September and a decision came through on 22 October via letter saying that again they were not going to award me anything. However during the time from my assessment to my letter I’ve continued to supply evidence (consultant reports, additional medication, witness statements from carer and people who support me, various medical appointments, UC Health Assessment report (undertaking in September 2024) and a journal of how my condition affects me as I knew I would still have time to do a Mandatory Reconsider and if necessary go to tribunal.

Today I received a telephone call from DWP which I missed as I didn’t hear the call, however I check my UC journey and there was no information about a call, so I called PIP. I explained the above and the gentleman said that although he couldn’t find a record of a call, someone had be assigned to relook at my claim (this was without me yet asking for a Mandatory Review). The gentleman said that he would now request the MR for me and to keep addition any additional evidence to my claim as it became available (my condition is under constant review atm).

My actual question is “is it normal for the DWP to relook at a claim without a MR request?” And what are people’s thoughts about why they would do this. As said, the gentleman has now said his submitted the MR request for me now regardless so I will have more information in time, but I found this situation quite confusing and wondered if it was unique?

Sorry for such a long post but I look forward to any comments x



  • onlymeagain
    onlymeagain Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor

    Not sure if it is normal but when my PIP was reviewed, I made a complaint about the assessor. In their reply they mentioned an MR but I hadn't done one because my award was kept at enhanced on both. So I did an SAR (Subject Access Request) which revealed that my case had been looked at twice after the initial DM had looked at it. The first two times the DM had agreed with the assessor. The third time they did not.
    So in answer to your question, it does happen.

  • shazzle88
    shazzle88 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    This terrifies me I've just put a change of circumstances aswell. Did you have to have an assessment? And do you mind me asking what conditions you have? Xx

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing

    Most people have assessments even for a change of circumstances. Once the decision I made your award could either remain the same, be increased, decreased or stop completely.

    As PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis, it would be extremely difficult to compare yourself to someone else, even if they have the same conditions.

  • Kittylees53
    Kittylees53 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener


    hi, yes I had a telephone assessment - took 2 1/2 hours “sigh”. I have coronary heart disease (I’ve previously had 3 heart attacks and have had a stent fitted howeve I have literally found out this week I have a leaky heart valve so now will have more surgery), angina, palpitations, high blood pressure, a hernia in my chest cavity, GORD/reflux, anaemia, diverticulitis of the colon, gastric polyps as well as anxiety & depression, panic attacks. I’m prescribed medication for all the above and have lots of documentional evidence. I have lots of symptoms that affect my daily life ie chest pains, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness and fainting, pain, memory loss & forgetfulness, limited fine motor skills and can’t lift anything heavy (broken my fingers on right hand after a fall while out alone last year which haven’t healed properly and generally weak), anxiety when around anyone new or if there’s a knock at the door, can’t go to appointments or outside alone alone, etc etc etc.

    I had the decision letter on the 22 October 2024 saying the DWP have looked at my claim and decided they cannot award me PIP and I scored 0 points on every question.

    However yesterday (8 October 2024) I rang the DWP after missing a telephone call from them and the gentleman say a caseworker had been re-assigned to my claim and was looking at my case (even though I had not yet asked for a MR - I have now).

    I thought this strange hence I asked the original question if anyone had had the DWP change a decision even after a decision letter had been sent ? There is a delay of 18 days between my decision letter arriving and the claim being looked at again without me asking.

  • shazzle88
    shazzle88 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Your case sounds so complex, I'm really terrified, how long did your chance of circumstances tke from the time u sent forms to decision??xx

  • Kittylees53
    Kittylees53 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    Rang for Change of Circumstance forms on 31 January 2024,

    forms returned on 17 February 2024,

    PIP Assessment by telephone 30 April 2024

    Decision letter 19 May 2024

  • shazzle88
    shazzle88 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Did you have to fill in the pip 2 form for your change of circumstances? Sorry for all the questions, i appreciate you responding xx

  • Kittylees53
    Kittylees53 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    I rang them and they sent me a form to complete, I honestly can’t remember what it was called but it was for a change of circumstances and not a new claim x