Dementia and living with it alone

mart7 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

How do you cope with dementia alone and being no fixed abode. To once have everything in life and now have total isolation is terrible and frightening. Also depression and anxiety,panic attacks and other physical health problems. I can't go on totally alone but tried getting help from GP and nothing is taken seriously with my visits. My lower back has gone I'm in bed all the time I can't sleep and constant migraine headaches due to a blow to my head last year which brought everything on. I'm being left alone and even a referral to SS saying takes time but now they just think I have mental health issues when they aren't considering what happened to me a year ago to bring the dementia on. What can I do I've tried citizens advice age concern various other organisations and only found scope by chance looking for an answer to all this. I can't stand noise or lights hurt my eyes. Everyone knows when I go out I'm in pain constantly and looks at you differently because they are okay and I'm not. I don't want to be like this anymore,i never used to think or feel this way. I've been to GP six times but so much to deal with you only have one question to deal with at a time and it's all referrals which come to nothing. I guess it's just the population now in UK and not enough resources to deal with people and those who need help aren't getting it. I have a terrible memory now also and can't remember what to write down even because words don't describe what you want to say properly. Without a carer or any family I struggle every minute of the day. I hate being negative about all this but my dementia has caused depression and I can't even get anything to help with this. Being awake all night and Day I worry constantly about my whole life and where it's going. I try so hard but forget what I'm doing when making a cuppa or forgetting to eat or drink. Keeping hydrated and everything to do with life. Trying to be optimistic or positive about everything I think of the past years and can't accept I won't get my memory back I feel so stressed out all the time and don't read this if you want a good day but then your forget and do something else. Wishing everyone a great and peaceful day and this is all from the only way I can try and explain my life and what is happening at this moment for me. I'm scared of the future because all I know is they put people with dementia in homes when it's the total isolation that causes them to feel this way. I'm going to try and be more positive today but already with noisey naugbours and TVs on its the same as yesterday. Ground hog day over and over.

Dementia and living with it alone 0 votes

Alone with dementia


  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,405 Championing

    I'm truly sorry about your experience

  • mart7
    mart7 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Managed to get to doctors about my back pain and they put me on antidepressants. Is there a link to this somehow because can't hardly walk through doing to much over my years. I know need a scooter to get around but probably get stuck somewhere and have to call for a cab,or a friendly neighborhood watch officer to tell me I forgot to turn the immobilizer off.

    Why are all the benches gone and no where to sit down anywhere.

    Why did all the councils take them away and if there isn't a park nearby to sit on a wet seat, what do people do just stay at home watching TV?

    Sorry I don't get out much for years now as if in that film with Mel Gibson in when he awakes from a criogenic chamber into the future.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,856 Championing

    I understand when you haven't been out for a long time you notice everything different in my case no clean towns no shops like everything grey I'm so sorry for your situation