Cold weather

tsureshan Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited December 2024 in Everyday life

I wonder how many disabled people suffering in this cold weather without affordable to put heating and have hot food then end up in A&E and making hard for hospital staff to manage beds because of the current government not supporting any of us in winter?


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    It's vile Scotland are giving winter fuel to every pensioner I'm not a pensioner but if I'm cold I will put heating on if I can't afford to pay I won't pay energy companies making billions absolutely disgusting I do think of people freezing to scared to turn on the heating

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,177 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Winter is a difficult time for lots of people @tsureshan, it's sad to think how many people will struggle to stay warm. And as you say, sometimes that can impact other services too.

    There are still some cold weather payments if the temperature drops below 0 degrees for 7 days, but it doesn't feel like a lot of help.

    Scope do run an energy support service if anyone needs help managing their bills this winter:

    Disability Energy Support | Disability charity Scope UK

    Hope you're managing to stay warm at the moment!

  • tsureshan
    tsureshan Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    because my bill 1.35 credit I don’t get any help

  • Pickle72
    Pickle72 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    I am a disabled person in my 50s and I can’t afford to put the heating on. I lost my job due to ill health and I can’t get benefits as my husband has a work pension. I try all different ways to keep warm. Heated blankets help a lot. I wonder if disabled people qualify for any winter fuel payments or support.
    I've managed to get through two previous Christmas’s by staying with an elderly relative who wants the company and can afford her heating bills as she’s on pension credit.
    It is miserable being cold and hungry and I do try to ignore the Christmas adverts with tables laden with tonnes of food. That’s simply not the reality for a lot of people.

    Take care everyone and I do hope that you get through the winter ok.

  • JW77
    JW77 Online Community Member Posts: 162 Empowering

    Its hard at the moment to give actual stats on this due to Covid in the past few years.. But it's higher than it should be. I was reading an article earlier that pointed out, that in 'real terms' the cold weather payment is the equivalent of 87p (Byline news or similar, they do their research). In England anyway..

    What aren't people shouting from the rooftops in this.. Without being too gloomy I can see why some reporters are using terms such as 'Dickensian'

    I don't think any government has been able to properly support its citizens for some years, in the UK at least. We are sooo behind by comparison to efficient, A rated housing, lower heating bills etc.

    We have solar (thanks to a progressive HA) but they won't let us install batteries), in effect they could retrofit the street for tenants to very low bills.

    We're in credit, as a disabled couple, and can afford the bills. But we still use food co ops to keep the bills down, and try not to leave the heating on constantly..

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 890 Trailblazing

    I have no heating & won't have again this winter, but, I'm using the fire app to con my brain. 🤪 I will be having hot meals though.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,435 Championing

    I am also struggling with cold weather I am lucky in a financial way that I live with my parents and I have no rent to pay. However when I'm out and about at work I feel the cold more and I hate wrapping up.