Beekeeping with a disability (article)

66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing

I hope it's OK to share this

It's an old article but I came across it yesterday; it's nice when 2 things you are interested in collide 👍 🐝


  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 872 Trailblazing

    nice to see you back fella i always sing in the garden when we have bees in the garden arthur askey the busy bee

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,306 Championing

    Morning @66Mustang hope your well

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,654 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That's so interesting @66Mustang, thanks for sharing! It's cool to know there are still ways to get into beekeeping if you're a wheelchair user. I didn't know about the different hive arrangements that were possible.

    I'm secretly hoping my parents might get into beekeeping at some point! I don't think I could do it myself where I live at the moment, but they've got the perfect set up to get some hives.

    Lovely to see you, I hope you're doing okay 😊

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member Posts: 5,212 Championing

    Thank you for sharing this article @66Mustang Is it something you would consider doing yourself?

    Take care.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member Posts: 5,212 Championing

    Hi @Mary_Scope Can you please delete one of these posts as duplicated. I am not able to use the flag button today for some reason.

    Thank you.

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 252 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @Bluebell21 of course, i've deleted the duplicate

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing
    edited December 20

    @michael57 ha ha you sound like a fun person, growing up is boring anyway isn't it?? (referring to your signature) 😊

    @Sandy_123 thanks Sandy, you're kind

    @Rosie_Scope it's actually a really suitable hobby to do away from home!!! Obviously getting set up needs a bit of time at the start, but it only needs about an hour a week investment, you don't need to be there 3 times a day or anything, so if it's not in your back garden it shouldn't be a huge deal!!

    Before anyone assumes it's a hobby reserved for people with access to a big garden that doesn't have to be true!! I've read about people who have spare land and allow beekeepers to use it. It lets them have their unused land used for good (bees do a lot of good) so often benevolent landowners will advertise their land for free on beekeeping sites

    It doesn't actually use much land at all, either; it's just that for obvious reasons you have to put the hive a certain distance away from houses and other public sites 😊

    @Bluebell21 I'm definitely looking into it!! I love honey and of course bees, they are so cute and hard working creatures, and really interesting 😊 and they do lots of good for nature and the environment and all that

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 872 Trailblazing

    i do serious at least an hour a night when i am asleep the other 23 hours is laughing time always has been when you have spent all your life with animals and see how they interact with each other in life and death you see things in a different light always have a saucer of sugar water for the bees on the patio table in the summer