Easyjet free 'medical luggage bag' experiences requiring GP letter and refusing items not on letter

LisaS73 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited December 2024 in Transport and travel

Hi Everyone,

I'm Lisa, 51, live in sunny Dorset, semi-ambulant/ semi-wheelchair user due to Cauda Equina Syndrome, BPD, Agoraphobia… but still trying to live my best life!

Has anybody had any experience SPECIFICALLY WITH EASYJET with what they have/have not been allowed to carry in their 'free medical luggage' cabin bag?

I've travelled with TUI and Ryanair previously, allowed free medical luggage without any problems or restrictions. Easjet, however, have left me feeling like a non-person, in floods of tears.

They asked for a GP letter to cover EVERY item that will be in my medical luggage bag. My GP is unable to put anything on the letter other than my medical conditions and details of medication, dosage etc. So called easyjet Special Assistance again to ask what I do, only to be told I am only allowed my scooter charger and prescription medication in the bag, ALL of the other items outlined below will be removed from the bag or I will be charged for them, so said and that I have to purchase another bag to put the items in. I can't understand why they won't let me have non-prescription items that are essential to me as a disabled person for my own safety, health and well-being in my medical luggage bag? I mentioned Equalities act 2010, I mentioned Vento injury to feeling compensation and asked if they really wanted me to pursue that rather than allow me to put medical aids in my medical luggage, but no, they are adamant they want me to pay around another £40 each way to carry my non-prescription items. She checked with a supervisor, that is their final answer and is their policy.

I travel with prescription liquid medication in glass bottles >100ml, some of which are banned abroad so I carry a GP letter, privately paid for. I also have non-prescription medications, hibiscrub and medical wipes to prevent UTI infections etc. I carry Electric Charger for mobility scooter x 2, extension lead and travel plug converters for scooter. I also need other item such as lumbar support pillows, gel cushion, knee pillows for sleeping (keeping my spine in best posture possible), Spill-proof sealed drinking cup due to poor balance to prevent me spilling hot drinks on myself, heated electric foot warmer due to poor circulation, Yoga massage ball and/or handheld electric massager for muscle pain and cramps, rear and pannier wheelchair bags, Gel and memory foam inserts for footwear. And the dreaded incontinence pads just in case I have an 'accident' on the plane. Nothing unreasonable, and all fits in a cabin-sized wheelchair bag.

My mobility scooter/rollator is set up to tow my rollator, with 1 x hand luggage and 1 x medical luggage strapped to it, with 1 x hold luggage on wheels bag that I pull along beside me. Adding a 3rd hand luggage bag to carry my other medical items, irrespective of cost, is not going to be physically possible for me to handle my luggage independently.

I'm baffled at their policy. I've asked them to forward the recording of the call. I've spoken to Scope who have given me details of organisations who can help me with legal advice, should I chose to pursue it. And suggested I ask here on the forum to see if this has happened to others? At this point I'm feeling like going to the press about it! Just wondering if this HAS happened to anybody else, or if they've been able to take whatever they liked in their medical luggage?

Thanks for reading and hope everyone has a great Xmas - mine is now ruined as I'm so stressed about how to get this sorted within the next 2-3 weeks!

L x



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 900 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @LisaS73 Unfortunately I can't answer that myself, however I've marked this as an unanswered question on the forum so hopefully a member of the community who's had some experience will be able to share some feedback.

    You've likely already had a look on the website, but if not I've denoted below a link to the Easyjet website which I hope might be helpful:

    Medicine, medical conditions and equipment | easyJet

    All the best,


  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,236 Championing

    are you sure that's right because we have had no problems travelling with easyJet with medication in hand luggage it might be the airport not the airline itself which airport are you flying from?

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 900 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @LisaS73 I was just wondering if you'd been able to get some clarity on the situation from the airline or airport at all? Hope all is well.

    Best wishes,
