Job Ideas for energy limiting conditions

S468 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

Hi - I haven't been here for a while so I hope I am posting this in the right place.

I have multiple chronic illnesses, the majority of which are energy limiting which produce extreme fatigue. I also have a condition which makes my body go round on a cycle which means I am ill for three solid weeks each month. On average I get 3-8 days a month where my symptoms are less but I am still not able to function for significant amounts of time.

If anyone else is in a similar boat to me with energy limiting conditions specifically M.E, or has a condition where they can only function for limited days of the month, what do you do for work? How do you make an income?

It might sound really silly but how common is it to find jobs where you can work a few days a month?

I just am looking for job ideas, advice, anything…

Thanks so much


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @S468 and welcome back. 😁

    It's great that you're wanting to think more about work, but I understand how limiting things can be when your body just doesnt want to play along. It sounds like something part time, maybe something that's more "Work at your own pace" perhaps? Have you thought about contacting our most excellent Support To Work team? I think they'd be great to have a chat with, as they're designed especially to help people with complicated issues that are limiting work. 😊