Hi, my name is nisha25! STRUGGLING to be rehoused as I am sleeping in my living room.

nisha25 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 14 in Everyday life


I am a Blood cancer patient and Physically disabled bedridden. STRUGGLING to be rehoused as I am sleeping in my livingroom with no access to a bathroom for the past 8 years now. tried everything Mp, council, shelter was my case worker still no help. I want my basic human rights of access. Shower, privacy, Own space, a chance to get outside and breath the air independently. AN powered wheelchair. Please help.



  • GranDad73
    GranDad73 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Hello and welcome sorry you are having to go through this.I had the same problem for over 2yrs up until last year.Mine was put down to lack of suitable accommodation! However I was offered help to find a suitable private rental but decided rather than giving up my secure council home I would suffer and just keep my fingers crossed. Luckily for me suitable accommodation came available last year. Not the area I would of chosen to live and not the style of accommodation I would of chose if there were more properties available .However it's a home I now have access to a bathroom and toilet instead of having a commode placed by my side 24/7 I now have privacy in my home.As for powered wheelchair I would apply for pip or higher rate pip if you haven't already and you should be entitled to the mobility component which will enable you to purchase a electric powered wheelchair, scooter or car .Good luck and I hope suitable accommodation becomes available soon .

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 966 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited January 14

    Hi @nisha25 and welcome to the community. I'm so sorry to read about your housing circumstances. Have you had a care needs assessment which might help with your supporting your needs. I've had a look at the website, and on the key list of area's they can support, there are a few items you've mentioned. I've also added the link to the website where you can apply for this.

    Getting a care needs assessment - Social care and support guide - NHS

    Also, have the council given you any indication of a timescale? I know with housing they tend to prioritise based on a points system. Wondering if this might need to be revisited if your situation has got worse since the initial request?

    Best wishes,
