Hi, my name is ANNIEC123! I have a family friend with learning difficulties.

ANNIEC123 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited January 16 in Benefits and income

I have a family friend with learning difficulties, he has never been able to work and is in his late 50's. He claims PIP AND ESA (or whatever it used to be called) and has been for decades. He has now moved into a family unit with a carer as his family can no longer care for him. I am trying to get "housing benefit" to help with his rental costs but am being passed from pillar to post with Gov. depts. He cannot complete any forms, I will have to do that. Can someone please advise which dept I should be contacting and what form I need to complete on his behalf. Thank you



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,872 Championing
    edited January 16

    If this "family unit" is classed as supported housing, a claim for Housing Benefit would need to be made.


    This application needs to be made through his local council benefits department. They may or may not allow you to apply on his behalf - who manages his ESA & PIP?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Or if it’s not supported housing then he would need to claim Universal Credit for help with the rent. This would then end any Income Related ESA he’s claiming 2 weeks after a claim for UC is submitted.

  • ANNIEC123
    ANNIEC123 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    He lives with Shared Lives which is social care I believe. It is official supported housing and the carer takes care of him in her family unit. He cannot and wouldn't understand what he was doing. No one manages his ESA & PIP, it has been in place for so long. It just happens in the background.

    I have been told that Housing benefit is now under the umbrella of UC but not sure how accurate that is.

  • ANNIEC123
    ANNIEC123 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    He cannot and wouldn't understand related to filling in forms, sorry I wasn't clear.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,872 Championing
    edited January 16

    Most of working age need to claim Housing Element via Universal Credit, however supported housing is excluded and still falls under Housing Benefit, administered under local councils.

    I would also suggest that an appointee gets put in place, this will make life easier all round especially when/if his ESA gets migrated to UC.

    Please note that even when that happens his rent will still be paid via hb due to living in supported housing.


    Someone must have been doing something over the years for his PIP & ESA, original applications, introduction of ESA (2008 onwards, before that it was Income Support or Incapacity Benefit) and PIP is reviewed over time even light touch, 10 year awards require forms to be returned from the claimant (or their appointee).

  • ANNIEC123
    ANNIEC123 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    that has been really helpful, thank you. Probably his parents dealt with his benefits but his mother is not able to due to old age and ill health. I deal with everything due to POA.

    Does an appointee deal with his bank accounts etc as "we" the family prefer to do that?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,872 Championing
    edited January 16

    If you have Financial POA for him then you wouldn't need to be his appointee as well.

    Because the POA gives you all the powers (and more) that is covered under the appointee system.