Can I claim new style ESA/ when to do it?

Martyandme999 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

I currently have UC and in the LCWRA group. I also have PIP.

I was told years ago by my work coach not to claim ESA and that the new thing is LCWRA in UC.

My boyfriend and I are thinking of moving in together when my contract comes to an end ( in autumn). However, he has savings over 16k so my understanding is I won't be eligible for UC at all anymore once we do.

I read something that made me think the work coach all those years ago was wrong, as I read esa is not dependent on income on savings so wondered if I could claim it? As I understand it, there's not any point as the moment as uc would be the same but how long is it from applying to being in 'the assessment period' and receiving money? Or is it like pip where there's a good chance of being wrongfully assessed and having to fight it?

Would the credits I get on UC have counted towards NI for eligibility? I need to change my details so I can access the check but I know a few years ago my record had years as 'pending' what do I do if this is still the case?



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,870 Championing

    Unfortunately you won't qualify for New Style ESA, this needs sufficient NI Contributions from work in the last two years.

    The NI you get from UC counts towards your state pension, not contribution based benefits.

    NS ESA is the only ESA that is available for new claims now.

  • Martyandme999
    Martyandme999 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    Would it be possible to voluntarily pay for a couple of years of NI(if it is similar to last time I checked, the ESA money if I live with a boyfriend, would be far greater than the voluntary NI) but not sure if that again only counts for things like state pension?

  • Martyandme999
    Martyandme999 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    Also, if I move in with my boyfriend, and so no more UC, does this mean I have no way of being eligible for NI for the pension?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,870 Championing

    You can voluntarily pay if you have gaps, but that won't allow you to "buy" entitlement to New Style ESA.

  • Martyandme999
    Martyandme999 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    Thanks the response so pointless for ESA but would that help with pension if I have no way of getting the NI from UC anymore?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You will be able to claim New style ESA for NI credits only based on your LCW. You will then receive class 1 NI credits which will also count towards your state pension. I would advise you to claim this before your UC ends otherwise you'll need to go through another WCA.