
Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
edited February 12 in Universal Credit (UC)

sorry for the posting again so I have tried to do research so back 7 year ago I was paid £5000 + £5000 + £3000 from esa for being underpaid wrongly.
I then moved over to universal credit due to only spending the monthly money I recieve and not going out due to health I have £13,200 in my bank.
I have been asked to support 4 months statement and if I have no problem but keep reading about the disregard they was aware of the money when I switched over surely as they was who paid it

I never have done another claim it switched over and the forms o filled out are lwc assessment next issue I never knew about declaring over £6000 just knew it was if it was more then £16000 I am scared out of my wits I am really anxious



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Underpaid wrongly for what exactly? As has been advised on your other thread, official error underpayments are disregarded for the life of the claim and this law would have applied to your UC claim, if you claimed UC from ESA. Do you still have the letter you received when you had the decision for the underpayment? If you do then it should have told you on there if it was disregarded for the life of your claim.

    See your previous thread here.

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    It was 7 years ago I just know they had been paying me the lower amount when I should have been on the higher amount

    I am really anxious I suffer with so many problems but I can’t find the letter I only have hospital letters

    Where does this leave me

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    it’s all on my bank statements when I received the lump sum from DWP

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    I was on esa and they was paying me the wrong amount I was meant to of been in a higher related gruop

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    ESA and UC do not communicate with each other so unless you told them or they looked theirselves they wouldn't know you received it.

    You will just need to explain where it came from. If you still have the letter you received at the time that decision was made for the underpayment you can send that as proof. If you no longer have the letter and you know roughly when the decision was made you can do a Right Of Access request for information they hold on you. Make sure you request between 2 dates and they will send you all that information. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions#if-you-need-a-copy-of-any-other-information-that-dwp-holds-about-you

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    so basically I don’t have a leg to stand on as they don’t communicate with each other I have had several health issues and have been living off my monthly money hence why I still have money o have no other payments coming in I just feel like it’s making me so ill. Can’t remember last week let alone 7 years

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    No, that's not what I advised. Please have another read of the last comment I made regarding the Right Of Access request from DWP.

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    I think I’m going to have to get help regarding this as I haven’t got a clue

    Thank you for trying to help me hopefully they will understand and see the money on my statement

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering

    all this worry makes us even more ill .

    if you can’t find the letters they sent about the backdated payments just explain to them where the money came from or you could just send them the individual statements of the money being payed it by DWP.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    They would need to explain the reason why they received it. Yes, if they kept the letters from that time, that's proof, otherwise they can request the SAR as I advised.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering
    edited February 11

    when I got my backdated pip I never got any letters about it , I just got a call from a DM telling me how much it was . I know UC and pip are different depts but surely at the click of a button on a computer they’d be able to see what other depts have paid ?

    I suppose that’d make it easier for us though and that’s not something they want do. There’s been quite a few people on here recently that have accidentally gone over the 6k without realising , it’s easily done .

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    that’s made me feel more at ease

    But because at the time I was told it’s not saving I just didn’t think anything and now I’m in a panic and I suffer with severe anxiety anyway without stressing that I have done something wrong when I haven’t

    I can’t find letters from 7 years ago i just hope that they understand that if I had anything to hide I wouldn’t of had the money in my bank I would’ve took it out

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering

    There’s been a few people this has happened to you’re not alone, I have bad anxiety as well and all this really makes everything much worse .

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    I have tried to look at what the worst outcome could be I always think so far ahead and of the worst and I can’t help how my brain functions

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Your backdated money for PIP wasn't an official error and for those payments they are different and disregarded for just 1 year.

    For official errors then when the payment is over £5,000 they are disregarded for the life of the claim. This then transfers over to UC when you claim that, if you move from ESA to UC.

    It's not as simple as just clicking a button to see what other departments have paid someone. Ideally, what should have happened here is Paul should have declared the money they have when they claimed UC and if it was an official error they should have told them what the money was for.

  • Paulbrown
    Paulbrown Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    we’re going back over a period of over 6-7 years

    I see what your saying I should have said but I don’t understand what I should’ve said when it wasn’t savings

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,558 Championing

    When you claimed UC the application asks about money, that includes money you have in all bank accounts.

    That's why it should have been declared.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering

    Hopefully they’ll understand that it’s backdated and like Poppy said if it was error then it’s disregarded for life .
    Just explain to them what’s happened and hope they’ll take understand. Hope it goes ok

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering

    maybe the best thing to do is leave a message on UC journal when any money is given that’s back payment. I know you don’t have to and I know the 12 month disregard but maybe better to save any future confusion with this issue