Spoke to my work coach on the phone on Tuesday afy

BrianMcFaddenfan24 Online Community Member Posts: 65 Contributor

I spoke to my work coach on Tuesday afternoon over the phone and she said that I am still in the limited capability for work group which basically means I only have to prepare for work, but not actually look for work, but I still can if I want to.

I told her about my severe obstructive sleep apnea and that I'm still waiting for an appointment to come through in the post.

I then told her that I'm waiting for my DBS certificate to arrive in the post as I'm going to be volunteering at my local hospital and she was happy with and she even put it on the volunteer section of my work plan.

She said that she was about to ask me what I'll be doing to gete out of the house and to gain experience and confidence until I told her about my volunteering.

I had to email the volunteer team earlier as I have been checking the status of my DBS certificate as it's status hasn't changed in over a week and that my middle name is still spelt wrong as they've added an extra letter which isn't in my middle name as I got my middle name off my late great-aunt and my eldest niece has my middle name and my daughter has my youngest sister's middle name.

