Narrowly escaped Restart after first meeting

Enduring_Rogue Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
edited February 26 in Work

I am awaiting outcome of WCA and PIP for mental health (ADHD, C-PTSD, GAD, Depression, Hoarding). I have been on fit notes since October '24.

I was referred to Restart by UC advisor (not my usual nice lady) and had the warm handover 3 way call last Thursday, a welcome call from Restart advisor on Friday, then attended a face to face induction on Monday.

Monday was traumatic! I advocated for myself and explained how Restart cannot help me as not fit for work and that regular meetings and calls with them would delay my ability to get to a place where I am able to work again. The action plan they drafted just had what I am already doing myself (counselling etc.). By the end of the hour long interrogation I left very tearful and upset, I cried all the way home on public transport and sobbed when I got home.

I messaged my UC advisor asking for them to tell Restart to let me do phone calls instead of face to face meetings as I couldn't cope with it. My usual UC advisor is lovely and called to say she wouldn't have referred me in the first place and that she would withdraw me from Restart altogether. She was brilliant. I also am working with a Disability Employment Advisor through my local jobcentre and she called me too. These two women who have got to know me are actually helping me. I don't need added pressure)stress of Restart scheme.

I researched the UC advisor guidance for Restart referrals which states discretion in my circumstances (pasted below).

I know this is a long post, but wanted to share my experience for others. Asking for help has been difficult for me to start to do, but it is worth trying.


Claimants with a fit note, awaiting a Work Capability Assessment
(WCA) or awaiting the WCA outcome

Claimants eligible for the Restart Scheme, who have a fit note, awaiting a WCA, or
the outcome of a WCA must not automatically be discounted for referral; however,
consideration is needed on a case by case basis.

You must:

• use your knowledge of the individual claimant and the impact of their
health condition and consider whether participation in the Restart Scheme
can be considered a realistic and achievable goal

• use your knowledge of the individual claimant and the impact of their
health condition and consider whether it is reasonable to expect the
claimant to meet the requirements of a mandatory programme:

o if you consider it reasonable, the claimant should be referred to the
Restart Scheme

o if you consider that it is not reasonable to expect the claimant to
comply with the requirements of a mandatory programme, you
should not refer them to the Restart Scheme

• if the claimant is within the first 14 days of their fit note, the provider must
be advised at the warm handover that any work search activities will be
voluntary until the 14 days expire. This requirement does not however
prevent a referral to the Restart Scheme happening within the first 14 days
of a health declaration being made

Claimants that are treated as having Limited Capability for Work Related
Activity should not be referred to the Restart Scheme.


  • Enduring_Rogue
    Enduring_Rogue Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    I didn't mean to post this in 'Annoucements & Information ' category and not sure how to change it, sorry.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,093 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks so much for sharing this @Enduring_Rogue. I have no doubt there are members who will find this helpful. ☺️ I've moved it from the category following your second comment - hope that's ok.

    Have a lovely evening!


  • Enduring_Rogue
    Enduring_Rogue Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    thanks @Holly_Scope I haven't ranked up enough yet to edit my posts 😊

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,093 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited February 26

    No worries, you'd not believe the amount of times I have to edit mine 😅