National Puppy Day - let's see your pictures!

Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,274 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited March 23 in Coffee lounge

National Puppy Day

It's National Puppy Day! It may be an unofficial day, but to me it feels like a very important one to celebrate especially as things have been a bit tough lately. The day was invented to celebrate the joy of puppies and encourage people to adopt and rescue pups all over the world.

It's definitely worth saying that rescues are often full with older dogs who have just as much love to give as the little ones. But of course, what the day is really about is just finding a good excuse to share cute pictures of our furry friends 😁

So let me introduce you to Ted, a terrier pup we looked after a few times. He came in two modes: sleep or chaos. One time the two combined and he fell asleep mid-chaos having been gently asked not to chew holes in the blanket:

And here's my family's pet Moose when he was little. Another little monster but a cutie!

Of course, while it's technically a day for puppies, we don't discriminate here. Puppies can be hard work and the oldies are just as worthy of being celebrated. So we would love to see some pictures of your pups whether they're young or old 😊

So over to you! Bring on the puppy pics!

