Anti social behaviour

Afrigo Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected

I live in supported living provided by the Abbeyfield Society, it provides accommodation for people aged over fifty five which unfortunately I am. The bloke in the next apartment has a diagnosis of vascular dementia, however his behaviour is not solely predicated on his medical history. He was at one time an aide to Lord Louis Mountbatten and later was in the employ of one of the Duke"s of Westminster. This has inculcated him a sense of entitlement, when he talks of the Royal Family he uses the term we. He is also a misogynist and a racist. On a daily basis his television blasts out , I can hear the words of the GMB weather forecast or the Cheltenham Festival or the inane Gladiators and so on. I have complained to the management and trustees at Abbeyfield yet nothing happens, they are supposed to have issued him with an official letter warning him that he is in breach of his tenancy but they have not followed it up as he carries on with his continued anti social behaviour. I have bipolar disorder and this is having an impact on my mental health. I actually work part time for a housing organisation and my employer is most supportive unlike the Abbeyfield Trustees who seem to be in thrall of someone who was a spear carrier to obscenely rich people. Social Services are involved but they are moving at a glacial pace. It is hard and I speak as someone who once qualified as a social worker to respect someone who sends an smiley emoji to someone they have never met and who they are supposed to be dealing with on a professional basis.



  • Passerby
    Passerby Posts: 90 Empowering

    I can feel your pain, as I went through similar and even worse neighbour from hell related situations.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,274 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Afrigo, that sounds like a difficult situation. Could you perhaps talk to a local councillor or your MP to see if they can help support you with another complaint?

    Or would there be another level of management that you could escalate your complaint to should things not improve soon?

    Hope you can find a solution!

  • Afrigo
    Afrigo Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected

    Things got an ugly turn yesterday when I was confronted by a member of the management committee who firstly made a perverse reference to the Chester Stands Against Racism poster in my window, my wife and three now grown up stepchildren are black Africans!! The fellow resident who I complained about has referred to a fellow resident as a "mad Irish woman ", in the past when I showed residents photos of my Ugandan family he made a overtly racist comment about had I not fathered lots of kids across Africa.She then made bizarre comments about me having bipolar disorder, I actually manage my condition pretty well, having qualified for a social worker ,worked in the NHS and currently work as a housing officer. Certainly the effect of having to contend with excessive noise from the tv in the next apartment is having a negative impact on my mental health. I was accused of bullying the occupant of said apartment by complaining about his television. The management committee member said I had presented at the Countess Of Chester Hospital with a mental health problem, no!! the GP made an emergency appointment for suspected temporal arteritis. I kept referencing the Chester Abbeyfield tenancy agreement about excessive noise/ discrimination (see above) the Management committee member just carried on haranguing me. The Abbeyfield Chester handbook talks of a warm friendly caring environment, reality doesn"t seem to match.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,370 Championing

    Have you complained to Environmental Health regarding the noise?

  • Afrigo
    Afrigo Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected

    Hi Kimmy I have emailed a local councillor about the excessive noise and the attempted bullying by Abbeyfield Chester management. It is on the list of things to do. At the moment I am more focused on the attempted bullying by Abbeyfield Chester management.