Worried my neghbour might report my singing in revenge of a noise complaint

JamieLeeSAMPLE Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

As you read in prevous posts about my neghbour i am worried they might report my singing out revenge i always do for less than few hours maybe once a week.and always try to do afternoon to evening its one my austistic routes to help coupe and due to me having a very powerful voice and thin wall people can hear it. Spoke to my housing officer about it and he told me not to disrupt my a routine as heโ€™s ne ver had complaints before


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,310 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I'd not worry about singing @JamieLeeSAMPLE keep doing what you need to do to keep your routine going, I know how important that is. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • ancojo
    ancojo Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor

    I suppose it depends on if you sound like a screeching cat or not such as my partners singing voice :o) (Dont tell her I said that)

    I wouldn't worry about it as I'm sure if your neighbours are that sad they want to report your singing which you may do a few times a week through the day then they might be in for a shock when they realise its not exactly you thats the nuisance but them!

    I honestly cannot stand people like this, are their lives realy that bad they feel the need to compain about someones singing?

    Sad world we live in!

  • JamieLeeSAMPLE
    JamieLeeSAMPLE Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    thanks the guy has been a nightmare he has his mates round on the evening and suspect they might be doing drugs in there due to me seeing him stoned one day