I think she is up to something

DJS7P Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor

Hello everyone

A while ago I was posting about my autism diagnosis and how I should tell my partner about it.

The thing is I think she is messaging other men on various social media platforms. She has become secretive and evasive around me. Do I confront her about this? I'm really devastated.



  • gym
    gym Online Community Member Posts: 49 Listener

    Speak to your partner.tell her your concerns.best not to accuse your partner of anything until you have concrete evidence.maybe she is messaging new FRIENDS she has found on social media. Like I said Speak to your partner. Don't confront like you mentioned

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,274 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @DJS7P, that's a really difficult situation to be in and I can see why you're feeling so devastated about it.

    It does sound like you might have to have a calm conversation about things with your partner. There might be another reason that she's doing what she's doing. Like gym said, perhaps you can ask her if there's anything happening without accusing her of anything so things stay nice and calm. Hopefully she'll feel able to be open about what's going on.

    Hope you're coping okay in the circumstances.

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,735 Championing

    Hope everything works out OK for you @DJS7P . Sending the best of wishes to you .

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,575 Championing

    Hi, why not begin by sharing your secret with her and see what she has to say about that?