PIP Concerns

KW22 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 27 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Anyone else really worried about the PIP changes? I have mental health and physical health issues and am in no way able to work, else I would be doing so. First warm home discount, PIP and now the motability scheme (not that I could ever afford to use it for a car) and I feel like the finger is being pointed at disabled and the elderly and those unable to work as being a problem in society and I feel that is unfair. Myself and my family rely on that money to live, it's how idlve been able to try out different items to help with my pain and mental health. What are we meant to do? Take a job we aren't able to manage mentally or physically? How is that helping anyone? I live for my kids but at this point they'd be better off without me.



  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,309 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey there @KW22 welcome to the community.

    It's something a lot of us are worried about, we've been talking about it here if you wanted to join in? Any possible changes wont be happening for a fair while yet, so there's time for us all to use our voices and make the government see the devastation it would cause.