39 y.o. male is looking for practical info, prior relocating to the uk.

bh90210 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2014 in Everyday life
My name is Martin. I am 39 year old Polish male suffering from Cerebral Palsy, who is looking for contact with other individuals who live in the uk and have cp as well. I am an educated person who wants to relocate to the uk (better accessibility of everything for people in wheelchairs, crutches than in Poland) however I do not have any friends or family which could tell me how to rent an accessible flat(most preferbly in Manchester) fix a care giver or apply for a job.
Therefore I am looking for disabled person or his/her care provider who could give me some practical, reliable information on how to arrange the above mentioned things. What is more, I am also looking for friends I could have contact with. Hope to here from you all

Personal contact details removed by forum moderator as per forum rules.


  • kingboy25
    kingboy25 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    hi Martin
    I live in Manchester and may be able to answer some of your questions. First of all Manchester is a very accessible City with good accessible public transport.
    Secondly unless you have someone to stay with initially you might find it difficult to find somewhere accessible to stay. My son looked at over thirty peoperties before finding a suitable flat although as you are not totaly dependant on a wheelchair you may find it easier. You will have to google properties to rent in Manchester to find somewhere.
    Care can be found through contacting Social Services Adult Disabilities team or an Agency.
    As for finding work. I wouldn't hold my breath. I know at least half a dozen people with C.P living in this area ranging from University graduates down to people with basic school leaving certificates and only one of them is in paid work and I don't think he is a graduate.
    However I love living in Manchester and if you have savings to support yourself for a while You will find it a great place to live
  • bh90210
    bh90210 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Dear kingboy25
    I would like to thank you very much for your post. It helped me tremendously. At least now I am aware of problems I may encounter on my way. And direct information from people who had to go through the same are just invaluable.
    in your post you have mentioned that people with disabilities have difficulties with employment, is that state of affairs caused by the current economic turmoil, or is it due to the fact that those people have disability?
  • kingboy25
    kingboy25 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Listener
    hi Martin
    Looking at the situation from the viewpoint of an able parent of a disabled young man it seems as if the current ecconomic situation has made it really difficult for the current 20 something generation to obtain work. The disabled people who I know are in work seem to be older people who got their jobs during the days of plentiful jobs. None of the young disabled people who were at school with my son have been able to get paid work. Maybe if you have good hand use, good speech some independant mobility and good employable skills and a work history you might stand a chance.