Foot and Ankle Issues - Help Please

Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
edited October 2014 in Cerebral Palsy Network

I have CP and are 31 years old, I have alot pain in my foot an an anke probably due to years of inregular gait..........I'm keen to to try and improve things, does anyone know a good foot and ankle specialist that would see adults and also has knowledge and experience with people that have CP.

Any help, muchly appricated.



  • niceboots
    niceboots Scope Member Posts: 198 Empowering
    hi, I'm 26 and have diplegia cp.
    I don't know of any foot and ankle specialists, but I have been having issues with my feet and ankles over the last few years and have found that going back to using specialist orthopaedic boots and afos has really helped me.
    Hope this helps
  • martie
    martie Online Community Member Posts: 12 Contributor
    Hi Noah,
    I had operations on my feet and ankles to help to walk better, unfortunately it didn't work and I went through a lot of pain for nothing. A while afterwards I went to an American specialist who specialized in CP, he gave a bit of advice to only have emergency operations because the problems stems from the brain and until they can operate on that they are only operating on the secondly problems. I have followed this advice and it works,
    Hope this is helpful,
  • Noah
    Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    Thanks for your comments, most helpful. On Friday I went to see someone at the London Orthotics Centre, They suggested I try a short AFO. This I think I will probably do first.
  • leg_iron
    leg_iron Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener
    I used to see Mr Ian Winson at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. It's the regional orthopaedic centre for the West Country. He's a very well known & eminent foot & ankle surgeon. He's performed 4 ops on my feet & ankles.
  • nic82
    nic82 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    my son had his ankle fusing which helped him very much but dont know any adult services as hes only 14
  • Noah
    Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    Thank you for your replies, all very interesting, do you mind me asking some more questions leg_iron? Did your surgery improve things for you? Was it planned that you would have 4 ops from the beginning? Are you now able to walk without orthotics? How old were you when you had the op? What was recovery like? Sorry lots of questions, don't feel you have to answer them all. I will do some research on Mr Winson. Thanks again :-)
  • leg_iron
    leg_iron Online Community Member Posts: 20 Listener

    The 1st op I had on my right foot worked well.  I had the tibialis anterior tendon transferred & the Achilles tendon lengthened. It worked well.  Mr Winson then operated on m left foot.  He performed a tibaialis posterior tendon transfer, lengthened the Achilles tendon lengthened & did some work won the FDL & FHL tendons.  I had 2 further ops on my left foot in 2009 & 2010.  Its better than how it was but its not perfect.  My first op I had was when I was 15.  I didn't have any further surgery until 10 years ago. 

  • Noah
    Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    Thank you Leg_Iron for you for insight. Very helpful. What was recovery from the operations like? Noah