Age appropriateness

BusyOT Online Community Member Posts: 76 Listener
I am often asked to recommend "toys" for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilites and regularly have discussions with support workers about ensuring that all "equipment" used with people is age appropriate. (I am only referring to support workers not family members) Many middle-age adults are playing with early learning centre toys, watching Thomas DVD's, going to soft play when no-one else is there, etc etc.
I'm keen to hear what others think about this. Should adults with profound learning disabilites be encouraged to play with toys that are made for toddlers?


  • AngelaSWLondon
    AngelaSWLondon Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Toys are made to be AGE appropriate for people who are developmentally fine (to put it nicely.) My son is profoundly mentally disabled - mixed levels, prob 3 months to 6 months some ways. Multi-sensory probs. Very limited interest. Can't get caught up with this issue. I have stripped off cartoon stick ons from his wall long ago but he has a boy basket with toys for young baby. That's just how it is. I did get one 'plain' looking toy for Christmas - a sound and lights show. Adult controlled so different I suppose. It gets to me of course but that's life.
  • AngelaSWLondon
    AngelaSWLondon Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Meant to say my son's age is 17. I have decorated his room as any adults but he has his basket of toys for his level and pleasure.
  • goingwiththeflo
    goingwiththeflo Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    My 19 year old son has a profound learning disability with a mental age of a toddler and he plays with whatever takes his interest. Thomas the Tank Toys and Disney DVDs keep him contented and involved. EXPERTS come and go but as his mum and full time carer I say LEAVE US BE!!!!!
  • Heather
    Heather Online Community Member Posts: 168 Connected
    My son is 10 and often plays with toys for age 3>5 years. He has no interest in cult shows, or fashion trends. He engages with our neighbours 2 year old son very well and they sit playing jigsaws and looking at pop up books. Older toys are too complicated and he seeks comfort in familiar toys. Agree it's not worth forcing them to change to fit society, let them move on when they are good and ready.
  • fairywishes
    fairywishes Online Community Member Posts: 25 Listener
    Hi I was at a Cerebra ( event the other day & they made a 19yr old a big toddler bike. I don't know what else they have/could do but thought I'd let you know. My stepson (17) likes simple toys & soft play. I found it hard when he was 10 as he was too big for the places he wanted to go & people are not that patient. I do think more places do adult times for soft play etc. Just do what you think is good and don't worry about the 'experts' do they know your son as well as you?