Closure of long stay hospitals

BusyOT Community member Posts: 76 Listener
edited February 2015 in Autism and neurodiversity
Simon Steven announced proposed changes to the care of people with learning disabilities in long stay hospitals last month.
Will this directly affect anyone on the forum? Can we offer support and advice to anyone? Or do you have a view that you would like to share?
Although I'm based in Scotland I have a real interest in this. I've worked as a Resettlement OT, enabling people to move from long stay hospitals and I'm currently involved in "bringing back" people from "out of area" placements.


  • janeysue21
    janeysue21 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Regarding the closure of long stay hospitals/residential, I think that it is the right
    thing to do for the majority of people who wish to move. The problem that I have
    with it is people`s wishes will be disregarded, they will be moved anyway. I work
    in social care, we support 4 people who live in a residential home for people with
    learning disabilities. Despite all the negative press regarding residential care it
    does not apply to our service. We are all well trained, the hours of work are flexible in order for us to provide care that is and has always been person centred. Our service users live their lives as they wish, holidays abroad community based activities, 1 with paid employment equality of access to healthcare and voluntary work. They would be devastated if as I suspect they may
    have to, due to care act legislation.