Does anyone suffer with Nocturnal Bruxism — Scope | Disability forum
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Does anyone suffer with Nocturnal Bruxism

Tash026 Community member Posts: 10 Connected
Does anyone suffer with nocturnal bruxism? If so what helps your condition? I take 6mg dizapam at night, which has limited benefit and also have a bite guard that I just clench on. The muscle spasms in my head, neck and jaw give me severe headaches, nausea and dizziness, I just wish I could stop doing it.


  • Stayce
    Stayce Community member, CP Network Posts: 843 Pioneering
    edited February 2016
    Hi Tash026

    Have you had your bite guard checked by your dentist as you may need a new one, a different type or one made of harder material

    I can recommend seeing an osteopath about your TMJ problem as they have a range of cranial techniques that can really help. Use the General Osteopathic Council web link to find a registered osteopath near you

    I also can recommend taking Alexander Technique lessons. This is a Technique that focuses on the relationship between head- neck - spine ( which is crucial in the jaw dynamics,) The Alexander Technique teaches you how to be less reactive and how to reduce tension, so would help you to identify when the bruxism (clenching and grinding) occurs (as it is probably likely that you do it during the day too but don't realise it) and help you to learn to reduce that effort and move your jaw with greater ease and less discomfort. Use the MSTAT website to find a registered Alexander Technique teacher

    In terms of sleeping I would suggest buying an orthopaedic pillow that assists sleeping posture this will help with head- neck- shoulder tension which is pulling on your jaw muscles.

    I hope wthis helps
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 126 Listener

    I've never consulted a professional about it, because I read the NHS website page on bruxism ( )and it said most treatments are ineffective. But I can perhaps offer my experience.

    I clench and grind when I am stressed, to the point where my jaw sometimes 'locks' completely.  Mostly during the day, but also at night when things are bad. My jaw now makes a very ugly, loud click/crunch sound when I chew or bite which can be embarassing in company!  It first started when I was doing a really high-stress job, and although now things are a bit more chilled for me, I still go through phases where the whole bottom half of my head feels like it's about to crumble and fall off.  My ears, in particular, take a beating. 

    It's very painful so I can totally empathise- but because I know that for me it's linked to stress, it's a real trigger for me to pause, and consider how I can take better care of myself and lower my stress levels.   Things that have worked for me include:

    - stepping back from the source of stress (obviously!) and regaining some balance
    - a thorough brush of my teeth (opening up my mouth properly)
    - humming
     a few light yoga poses, which allows me to focus on breathing, and stretching/relaxing specific muscles in turn)
    -really focusing on my sleep routine - strict timeframes, a total screen ban, complete darkness, lavender oil on a tissue under my pillowcase

    I also had to look at some of my daytime habits.  When I really looked closely, clenching or gritting my teeth had become a way I could stifle a visual 'tell' (like a scowl, or bad body language) that I was annoyed about something in a meeting, so I tried instead to take a sip of water whenever I was trying to stay cool.  Nowadays, you won't see me at a desk without a drink!

    I know yours is mostly nocturnal so I can understand that not all of this is relevant.  but I'm interested - does your bruxism fluctuate? Do you have periods of more acute and less noticable pain?   If so- could it be linked to stress?

    Take care and do let your health professionals know about the pain.  There might be something extra they can do.

    -B xx



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