
Zec Richardson
Zec Richardson Online Community Member Posts: 157 Empowering
Hi everyone,
My apologies for not being on the Scope Community for a very long time!
Winters are always rough, I rarely go out and my pain levels are higher but in the summer I bounce back and manage to get out and enjoy lower pain levels.
This year I didnt bounce back and in almost a year I have left the house just over ten times, they were all medical appointments as I am still trying to find a consultant who will agree to amputation of my left leg!
Also my WordPress blog took off and a Facebook group I set up has done so well and so a mixture of health and the two projects has meant I haven't been able to get on here.
However I do want to be more active on here, so I have some admins keeping an eye on the group and that means I can pop in here a few times a week!


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Brilliant to see you @Zec Richardson Sorry you have had such a rough time of it.  I look forward to chatting with you.
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    Hi @Zec Richardson,

    Great to hear from you! What's the address of your blog and Facebook group? I'd love to have a read.

  • Zec Richardson
    Zec Richardson Online Community Member Posts: 157 Empowering
    My website that started out as a blog only has evolved, I wrote a review about a beard oil last year and now I have recieved almost 160 beard care products for review!
    However there are still blog posts that I occasionally write about life and disability and I need to really concentrate on that more. The Facebook group is a bearded group 
    Website www.satonmybutt.co.uk