mumn6 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited January 2017 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi Simon
I am a parent to my Son that has complex Global Delay.  This is due to being born 3 & a half months early and the complications that followed.  My Son's name is Chandan and he has been on DLA for most of his 19 years.  The thing I am concerned about is having lack of evidence whilst transfering to PIP.  When he was at school we had loads of support to back up any claims.  Since leaving school we feel very unsupported.  Adult Social care has been Pants and we are struggling financially because my Hubby has recently been signed of sick due to having a major heart attack.  I can't work due to health/disability problems.  I am Chandan's Carer but this can be very difficult at times.  Any help or support would be much appreciated.  Many thanks Karen...
Happy New year to you...


  • ScopeHelpline
    ScopeHelpline Online Community Member Posts: 204 Contributor
    Hi mumn6

    It can be difficult to provide evidence when there has been minimal contact with adult or other services. In this case, it might be a good idea to provide the most recent report from children's services which clearly describes Chandan's care and mobility needs. You can make a statement on the claim form for PIP that his situation has not changed, and you don't have a more recent letter or report, so are providing the most recent available one. . 

    The provision of evidence is not a precise science, and some would say don't give the assessment company anything over a year or two old -  but of course, that may not give the best result as a highly relevant letter from three years ago may give the reader a really good idea of Chandan's life. The central idea is to make sure that both in the answers to the questions on the form and in any evidence you offer, a picture emerges of how Chandan's condition affects his daily life and his mobility.

    Regarding the social care issue, it may be appropriate to ask for a care needs assessment for your son, and a carer assessment for you, if one hasn't been done, or a review of these assessments, and to complain, if the plan is not complied with.   Also, go online and check that you have any appropriate benefits in place. There is a benefits checker on our website, for example.

    I hope this helps a bit.

    Scope Helpline 
  • simonsable
    simonsable Online Community Member Posts: 74 Connected
    Sorry I didn't pick this up earlier. Has a social worker helped you so far? It sounds to me as you could do with some help. Can I ask, do you have any help/respite at all? I second Gill, if you complete the online form to check whether he's eligible. If Chandan is, it might be worth contacting social services to help you organise a care package in place.

    Feel free to contact to me again. I will look out for your messages

  • mojocain
    mojocain Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
    My tuppence worth. Having a social worker is very helpful in a broad range of dealings with authorities, gp's etc. Recommend.