Amazing wife, two daughters, a two year old grandson and new grandaugther

Zec Richardson
Zec Richardson Online Community Member Posts: 157 Empowering
This discussion was created from comments split from: Tell us your reasons to be cheerful.


  • Zec Richardson
    Zec Richardson Online Community Member Posts: 157 Empowering
    Every day I'm in pain, last year I left the house less than fifteen times.

    However I have an amazing wife, two daughters a two year old grandson and a couple of weeks a go our Granddaughter was born.

    Everyday is a battle, I often wonder if I can keep fighting but then I look at my family and I know I can. I sat there yesterday with my grandson beside me and my granddaughter laid on my chest and I could only smile like the Cheshire cat!
  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    I'm glad to hear your family are a source of strength for you Zec, and congratulations on the new arrival!
  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Awwww congratulations on the new grandaughter @Zec Richardson  :)
  • Zec Richardson
    Zec Richardson Online Community Member Posts: 157 Empowering
    Thank you, the liitle guy really wears me out and sometimes I have to retreat when it gets too much but I wouldn't swap it for anything.