Pip Assessors Name and Shame!

charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
when someone wins tribunal over dla/pip and it was a win from 0 to full benefit, obvious they see at tribunal there is an injustice there, so can they not name assessors or something be done with assessors (job taken away) im not into people losing their jobs, but im into honesty.  This is only going but a lot of what i have heard obvious you have honest and dishonest assessors!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 214 Listener
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  • charmed
    charmed Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected
    You know, our country is a great country but peoples lives what are they doing, people dont care anymore, its just sad...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 214 Listener
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  • ChrisKz
    ChrisKz Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected
    Why on earth can't they just look at our medical records and see what people suffer with . I am still suffering chronic pain after doing something , that i would not normally do ( in day to day living ) after assessor 4th feb  visited . It was just bearable before , now its disabilitating . having trouble getting in/out of bed and struggling to walk a few steps
  • Gusthecat
    Gusthecat Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    The whole PIP process is a shambles, Capita, Maximus & Atos are contracted by the DWP to carry out these assessments on behalf of the DWP.
    It's obvious to me that HM Govt put pressure on the DWP who in turn do the same thing to their agents. Joe & Jane Bloggs lose out every time.

    Don't take a PIP refusal on the chin, if you are refused request a MR also a copy of the assessor's report which you are entitled to. If that fails then get proper free advice CAB etc. & appeal. You have nothing to lose.

    If more people did this then it would show what a shambles the govt has turned the welfare state in to.
    Been there myself & did all this......................& WON !
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    I am already naming and shaming my assessor in complaint letters. Their name should be on your assessment report. I read on another site that someone had a Psychic Medium doing their assessment. I suspect a lot of them are not even qualified to the standard they are claiming to be. It's worth checking on their professional register. Doctors are on the GMC register, Nurses NMC and a long list of other professions including Paramedics and Physiotherapists are registered on  HCPC. If they're not they shouldn't be doing the job as it's a requirement DWP have given ATOS/CAPITA for all assessors. Find out their name, qualifications and ask for their registration number at the beginning of your assessments and they'll know you're not going to put up with a nonsense assessment and lies on the report. If the screen is not in view tell them you have a right to see what is written. If you find it difficult to stand up for yourself let anyone going with you know that you have the right to know who is asking you questions about your personal life, has access to your medical records and doing a physical examination. 
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Online Community Member Posts: 2,621 Trailblazing
    Hi wildlife and others,

    I was interested to see that the DWP have archived parts of this document which deal with PIP and ESA - the document is supposed to explain the role of health professionals in DWP decisions.
